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The Plight of the Black People in America

Essay Instructions:

1. A. Read the excerpt from Baldwin's essay "Notes of a Native Son" ( 87-99). On the occasion of his father's death Baldwin, the narrator of this essay writes about his father's life, ancestry, appearance, character, illness and suffering and how his children responded to him. Write a paragraph describing Baldwin's father. How were he and his father alike and what were the dynamics of their relationship? ( 87-90). (most of you already wrote this in class on 2/26).

2.B. Read pages (94-99) of Baldwin's essay "Notes of a Native Son" and answer the following questions: What was Baldwin's Jim-Crow experience in New Jersey? (describe it ) How did that experience affect him and what scared him the most about it?

3. Read Baldwin's short story: "Previous Condition" and answer the following question:

What do you think the title "Previous Condition" means? Be prepared to answer specific questions about the details of the story in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date The Plight of the Black People in America On his father's death, Baldwin describes his father as a strong man with whom they had not interacted well. The reason why the two did not interact is that both of them belonged in different generations and valued different things. Also, they had a common trait of pride that would not allow them to agree with one another. Baldwin says that he had not known his father well and they were not getting along well. Baldwin says that his father was just as proud and stubborn as he was (88). Baldwin agrees that he and his father shared a common vice of pride that would not have allowed them to sit together and share like a father and son would do. Baldwin and his father had so many traits that they shared. They shared the same black color, and both were also stubborn (Baldwin, 89). The writer talks about how the father resembled him in many ways, from the color to the behaviors. As per the writings, Baldwin and his father were both a menace. Baldwin had an unfortunate encounter in New Jersey where he realized that there was discrimination of black people in New Jersey. Baldwin learned what it meant to be a Negro in New Jersey. He was mistreated by the white people in New Jersey just because he was a black person (Baldwin, 94). Baldwin had not realized before that black people experienced challenges in America until he visited New Jersey. The writer is terrified about the experience because he never thought people would treat others ...
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