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RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803-1882). Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please, kindly adhere to the professor's instructions.

I want you to be VERY specific here. Don't just say he's confusing--tell me why, and tell me the implications of that. Many people have said that Emerson is confusing on purpose, and that is a kind of unkindness to his readers (I don't disagree). So talk about that kind of stuff. You can write whatever you want in any kind of way you want; but again, be VERY specific. The more specific the better. Use quotes, then talk about this quotes. Use Thoreau to help you explain Emerson, etc. Your essays should be at least two pages double spaced (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1" margins all around). This paper MUST contain quotes/paraphrases cited in MLA Format from both Emerson and Thoreau and at least ONE outside source/research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American lecturer, essayist, poet, and philosopher who lived between 1803 and 1882. Waldo led the transcendentalism movement that championed individualism in the US in the mid-19th century. Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that believes that society and its institutions have corrupted the individual's purity, but people are at their best through self-reliance. Emerson was also a critic of the countervailing pressure that society gives people through essays he published and more than 1500 lectures he gave across the US. Emerson moved away from social and religious beliefs in formulating and expressing the philosophy of transcendentalism hence purposely confusing his readers, which is not kind to his readers. This essay is a reflection of the position of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his public lecture on The American Scholar about transcendentalism.
In his speech, The American Scholar Emerson puts forward exciting claims about human nature confusing on a close look. First, he says that humankind is a fragment. The body comprises different fragments that include hands, legs, and head that combine to make up the body (Emerson, 1). Nature is also from fragments of different things that have living things and non-living. Through this first argument, I believe Emerson says that humankind needs to collaborate for good life issues. Like hands collaborate with the head, legs, and other parts of the body, human beings should work together with other people for greater prosperity.
However, Emerson confuses the reader when in the same speech, The A...
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