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Bad Dye Job and Resolving Problems by Addressing Causes and Not Symptoms

Essay Instructions:

Think Like A Freak by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt

During this course we will also be reading and discussion a book called Think Like A Freak. For this Project you must read Chapter 4 and complete the reflection questions. Your reflection should include thoughtful personal insight as it relates to Think Like A Freak.


1. Explain how thinking like a Freak is “like a bad dye job.”

2. Explain why problems are more likely to be resolved when causes, not symptoms, are addressed. Provide an example from your community that highlights a situation when symptoms are being targeted instead addressing root causes.

3. Why would a Freak consider the lack of food and money to be a superficial answer to the question of the causes poverty and famine?

4. What role did the legalization of abortion in the early 1970s play in the rise and fall of violent crime in the United States? Was it the root cause? Explain.

5. What factors did German economist Spenkuch find to account for the Protestant-Catholic income gap in Germany? How do these factors relate to the concept of a Protestant work ethic?

6. What role did the illustration titled “An Englishman Tastes the Sweat of an African” have in economist Fryer’s search for the root cause of African-American’s higher rate of heart disease?

7. Discuss which characteristics of thinking like a Freak Barry Marshall and Robin Warren engage in as they studied the causes of ulcers.

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Think Like A Freak
1 Explain how thinking like a Freak is “like a bad dye job.”
A bad dye job means that the individual sought help to fix their hair but ended up ruining it even more. In Think Like A Freak, the author discussed the difference between options A and B, that concern guns. Option A is about tighter regulations on gun use, while Option B is about increasing the number of cops. Both of these laws are logical. However, when you think like a freak, logical decisions often do not address the situation's root cause or phenomenon (Levitt and Dubner).
2 Explain why problems are more likely to be resolved when causes, not symptoms, are addressed. Provide an example from your community that highlights a situation when symptoms are being targeted instead of addressing root causes.
The causes must be addressed because these are the principal factors why a phenomenon is happening. Although, in many communities, like ours, the symptoms are often resolved instead of the causes. For instance, the local government in my hometown opted to beautify the bay area by placing many artificial sand and trees when the best thing to do is to have a bay area clean-up and fixing the drainage system of many establishments to prevent contaminating the seawater.
3 Why would a Freak consider the lack of food and money to be a superficial answer to the causes of poverty and famine?
The freak considers poverty as a symptom, and the root causes lie in the social, political, and legal institutions—the primary concern of which is corruption. The freak associated corruption with starvation and explained that poverty would persist if corruption cannot be eradicated. Also, the lack of food is the cause of famine, and starvation is the symptom. The primary cause is withholding the food from the poor and fulfilling the people's stomach in the developed countries. Hence, the solution is to end the import of goods (Levitt and Dubner).
4 What role did the legalization of abortion in the early 1970s play in the rise and fall of violent crime in the United States? Was it the root cause? Explain.
Before the legalization of abortion in the 197...
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