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Ethics and Anthropology

Essay Instructions:

Students are asked to respond to a set of short answer questions that will cover course material from Week 1 (What is Anthropology?) to Week 6 (Sex & Gender) only; e.g., the first half of the course.

PART ONE – Foundations in Anthropology:

Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 10 marks.

A) How did anthropology develop from a “curiosity about other cultures” into an established social science? Consider at least one anthropological method, explain how it has contributed to the field of anthropology, and discuss its significance as well as any limitations.


B) How have ethnocentrism and cultural relativism contributed to narrow assumptions about certain cultures and their practices? Explain using one example of cultural misrepresentation from the course. Your answer should detail how at least one anthropologist encountered the misrepresentation and their response to it (e.g., did they contribute to or challenge the misrepresentation?).

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PART TWO – Ethics and Anthropology:

Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 10 marks.

A) What kinds of difficulties do anthropologists encounter when they conduct ethnographic research? Discuss one dilemma experienced by an anthropologist that we have examined in class (e.g., from readings, lecture, or films). Your response should explain the dilemma, its effects, and analyze how the dilemma has transformed anthropology as a discipline.


B) Using one example from the course, explain what is meant by “the politics of representation.” What consequences does cultural representation have for anthropologists and the peoples with whom they work and study?

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PART THREE – Identity:

Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 5 marks.

A) Drastic social change can lead people to create new worldviews and identities in order to help make sense of their changed world. Using one example from the course, explain the relationship between identity and social change in the context of colonialism.


B) Is gender a biological fact? Discuss using at least one relevant example from the course to support your answer.


1 GGS SOSC 310: Sociocultural Anthropology Take-Home Midterm Exercise, Due: November 3rd, 2020 Please read the following instructions carefully: • This midterm evaluation is an open book review exercise of key anthropological concepts that you have learned in this course to date. You may use course materials (e.g., your textbook, readings, class notes, films, etc.) to help you formulate your responses. • Students are asked to respond to a set of short answer questions that will cover course material from Week 1 (What is Anthropology?) to Week 6 (Sex & Gender) only. • The exercise is out of 25 marks and is worth 25% of your final grade. It is divided into three sections: o Part One: Short Answer (choice of 1 out of 2 options), 10 marks o Part Two: Short Answer (choice of 1 out of 2 options), 10 marks o Part Three: Short Answer (choice of 1 out of 2 options), 5 marks Completed exercises are due on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST; students may take an additional week (until Tuesday, November 10th, 2020) to complete the exercise if needed. Please submit your responses in a Word Document, Pages Document, or Adobe PDF on Canvas; be sure to include your name and indicate which questions you have answered. PART ONE – Foundations in Anthropology: Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 10 marks. A) How did anthropology develop from a “curiosity about other cultures” into an established social science? Consider at least one anthropological method, explain how it has contributed to the field of anthropology, and discuss its significance as well as any limitations. OR B) How have ethnocentrism and cultural relativism contributed to narrow assumptions about certain cultures and their practices? Explain using one example of cultural misrepresentation from the course. Your answer should detail how at least one anthropologist encountered the misrepresentation and their response to it (e.g., did they contribute to or challenge the misrepresentation?). 2 - - - - - PART TWO – Ethics and Anthropology: Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 10 marks. A) What kinds of difficulties do anthropologists encounter when they conduct ethnographic research? Discuss one dilemma experienced by an anthropologist that we have examined in class (e.g., from readings, lecture, or films). Your response should explain the dilemma, its effects, and analyze how the dilemma has transformed anthropology as a discipline. OR B) Using one example from the course, explain what is meant by “the politics of representation.” What consequences does cultural representation have for anthropologists and the peoples with whom they work and study? - - - - - PART THREE – Identity: Answer ONE of the two following short answer questions. Responses should be approximately two paragraphs in length (5-8 sentences per paragraph). This question is worth 5 marks. A) Drastic social change can lead people to create new worldviews and identities in order to help make sense of their changed world. Using one example from the course, explain the relationship between identity and social change in the context of colonialism. OR A) Is gender a biological fact? Discuss using at least one relevant example from the course to support your answer.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Course Title
Date of Submission
Part One
Scholars in social/cultural anthropology share a consensus of thought that although humans are known to share quite a bit of commonality, cultural differences often present than cultural similarities. Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism describe how human psychologies interpret and interact with a person of a different culture. Ethnocentrism embodies an instinct that directs one to believe that their own culture is superior and should be the frame of reference. Conversely, cultural relativism seeks to understand another's culture on a standalone without referencing one's cultural orientation. For example, in commonplace, Americans detest cultures that consume guinea pigs and dogs while turning a blind eye on cows and pigs' cuisine foods, considering it a standard delicacy. Anthropologist Ken Burger experienced ethnocentrism in his stay with a Canadian tribe, Inuit. From his orientation growing in Indiana, he holds victory with high regard.
On the contrary, the Inuit people appreciate any little effort towards survival. Burger participated in a snowshoe race against Inuit experts with an innate assumption that he stands no chance against them. He turned out last, but the Inuit applauded his effort to engage the race. Burger engaged in cultural relativism to avoid narrowly defining the Inuit people's culture based on his cultural orientation.
Part Two
Q. A
As outlined in the American Anthropological Association, anthropologists are bound to limit their research within the prescribed ethical conduct regardless of the choice of the ethnographic method. In tribal research about other cultures, ethnographic researchers are compelled to engage in cultural relativism. Researchers are often in a dilemma on the applicability of staying culturally relative in real-time. It is almost inevitable to disassociate one's cultural baggage in assessing another's culture. Also, anthropologists face a dilemma in deciding on making interventions that could disorient or eternally change existing cultures that embody behaviors the researcher disagrees with.
In ethnographic research, ...
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