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A product that says something about its purchaser.

Essay Instructions:

The prompt (topic) for the example essay is a product that says something about its purchaser. Students should convince the reader that the product illustrates the purchaser. Select a familiar topic. For example, an expensive sports car says something different about the purchaser than a compact, fuel-efficient car.

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October 31, 2020
Apple – for Out-of-the-box Thinkers
Understanding the importance of ‘brand differentiation’ and recognition is essential for any marketer. It allows him to have a better view of how the consumers recognize their brand and use it to strategically position their marketing ideas and efforts. Accordingly, some of the most successful brand (or products) in the world have been associated with a symbol. This symbol creates a two-way relationship wherein the consumers purchase a product for its symbol and where the product seems to provide a representation of those who buy it. In this article, I like to focus on Apple and how it represents its consumers as ‘different or unique thinkers’. Ever since its early years, Apple has focused on creating unique products that are different from the general market. This is the reason why I believe that throughout the years, Apple has become a testament or symbol of unique thinking.
Think Differently
One of the main reasons for Apple’s association with unique thinking is its personalities. Ever since it was founded (and re-structured) by Steve Jobs, Apple products were presented and marketed with a unique twist compared to other similar commodities. For example, when Jobs presented the iPhone in 2007, he did not merely present using a structured approach but also added layers of surprise during his keynote presentation CITATION Gal17 \l 1033 (Gallo). This is not yet saying how Jobs became a ‘unique’ personality because of the way he talks, dress, and interact with the crowd, which made him one of the iconic entrepreneurs in the 20th century. Accordingly, because of the personal uniqueness of one of Apple’s top executives, the company’s association with originality and out-of-the-box thinking becomes more established. Thus, when the product buys an Apple product compared to another phone, it creates the connotation that a buye...
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