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Race Is Not a Definitive Factor. Meaning of the color of water?

Essay Instructions:

1.What is the meaning of the color of water. Who said it and why? Use detail to explain it.

2.In Hamlet, give me two example of external conflict and two examples of internal conflict. Why it is very important and necessary to the book? Use detail to explain it.

3.Shakespeare:” We know what we are but know not what we ,ay be” how it related to something that we studied. Why most of people know what we are, but not what we may be

Only use the book: the color of water and Hamlet. Each question should be 350 words minimum

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Race Is Not a Definitive Factor
1. What is the meaning of the color of water? Who said it and why?
When conflicted with his own identity, James McBride poses a question to his mother, Ruth McBride. He asks, “What color is God’s spirit?” In response to her son, Ruth McBride asserts that “God is the color of water. Water doesn’t have a color (51).” She responded in this manner to get James to look past the color of his skin. By comparing God and how water does not have a definite color, Ruth demonstrated to James that race is invisible to God.
The meaning of the color of water is water is clear – lacking color. Because it lacks color, it means that God has no color preferences, and, the absence of such a quality indicates that no race is superior to the other. Water changes color depending on what is put into it, meaning, humans are the product of what they feed their minds and bodies. As humankind, racial affiliation does not serve as a definitive factor, our actions and words are what do.
By likening God’s spirit to the colorlessness of water, Ruth McBride imparts a colorblind perspective in young James. She wanted James to understand that he is important, valued, and loved regardless of his tone. Water does not discriminate against color and our perfect creator, God, does not either. The color of water is symbolic of the inclusivity of all the races that make up humanity.
The color of water is the answer to James’ questions regarding his identity. It also answers his questions concerning what color God is. This is the best response a mother could give his curious child because it prevents any bias feelings, jealousy, and other mixed emotions. Even though James was still confused by his mother’s response, the outcome would have been worse if she decided on ascribing a particular color to God’s spirit.
Because God is the color of water, it means that He shows no preference or favoritism toward a certain group of individuals; thus, we are all equal in his sight. Ruth McBride reinforced the fact that color does not define a person, especially in the eyes of God. Thus, God, just like water, sees beyond one’s racial affiliation.
2. In Hamlet, give two examples of external conflict and two examples of internal conflict. Why is it important and necessary to the book?
One example of Hamlet’s external conflict occurs in Act 1, scene 4 when he encounters his father’s ghost and all his suspicions are proven true. He has to cope with the news of his father’s demise while simultaneously getting revenge on the newly sworn in king. This occurrence is an example of an external conflict as Hamlet chose to obey the ghosts’ demands.
An example of an internal conflict takes place when Hamlet wants to exercise vengeance on Claudius but is also skeptical of the ghost’s message. He has an inward battle on what decision he should make. His external and internal conflicts regarding what course of action he should take are important to the book because his final choice for revenge made his life rife with conflict and his...
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