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Conception Of Virtue Writing Practice 2

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Respond as directly as possible to the prompt below in no more than 400 words. This Writing Practice will be evaluated according to the following criteria: (i) writing clearly; (ii) precision of explanation; and (iii) originality, relevance, and use of the example.

Prompt: Aristotle describes virtue as the ‘mean’ or ‘intermediate’ between two extremes. For example, he defines courage as the mean between rashness and cowardice. Explain, in your own words, this conception of virtue and illustrate it via your own example (one you’ve made up, not one used by Aristotle in our readings). [400 words max]

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Conception of Virtue
Generally, virtue is an excellent trait that an individual possesses. For an individual to be virtuous, the person has to have a certain complex mindset. An important aspect of such a mindset is the wholehearted acceptance of the typical scope of considerations as reasons for actions (Hursthouse and Glen, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). For instance, an individual who is honest cannot be perceived as one who is practicing honesty. Such individuals may be considered dishonest especially when their actions are done out of fear of repercussions and not because they value honesty. A person who is honest cannot be marked out as someone who tells the truth just because he normally tells the truth. One is capable of having the virtue of honesty without being indiscreet or tactless. An honest individual acknowledges lies and is not capable of making statements which are not true. This individual is capable of applauding honesty and has a reason for coming up with statements that are not lies.
The reasons and ...
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