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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Chapter 1 in Woolf's A Room of One's Own. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

READ Chapter One in Woolf's A Room of One's Own

HW:#1Double-Entry Journal with at least four quotations; include quotation marks and page numbers.

Divide the paper into two columns; on the left side type the word Quotations and on the right the word Reflection. The reflections can include questions and comments about the text you selected. The homework should be typed and double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.

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Double-Entry Journal


At any rate, when a subject is highly controversial – and any question about sex is that – one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one’s audience the chance of drawing their conclusions as they observe the limitations, the prejudices, the idiosyncrasies of the speaker (13).
But it was then the age of faith, and money was poured liberally to set these stones on a deep foundation, and when the stones were raised, still more money was poured in from the coffers of kings and queens and great nobles to ensure that hymns should be sung here, and scholars taught (17)
And when the age of faith was over, and the age of reason had come, still the same flow of gold and silver went on; fellowships were founded; lecturechips endowed; only the gold and silver flowed now, not from the coffers of the king, but from the chests of merchants and manufacturers, from the purses of men who had made say, a fortune from industry, and returned, in their wills, a bounteous share of it to endow more chairs, more lectureships, more fellowships in the university where they had learnt their craft (17, 18)
It is a curious fact that novelists have a way of making us believe that luncheon parties are invariably memorable for something very witty that was said, or for something very wise that was done. But they seldom spare a word for what was eaten (18).
As I have said already that it was an October day, I dare not forfeit your respect and imperil the fair name of fiction by changing the season and describing lilacs hanging over garden walls, crocuses, tulips and other flowers of sp...
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