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Predictive Research on Future Technologies

Essay Instructions:

1) Read through the articles on predictive stories and select one. List the major points that the articles cover and if they got them right or wrong. If they got any of them wrong, discuss if you feel they ever will happen.
2) Read through the articles on futuristic stories and select one. List the major points that the articles cover. Do you agree? Anything from your experience not seem feasible from the article?
3) Next select something from your major field of study. What has changed dramatically in the last 20 years in the field? (My Major: Economics)
4) What do YOU predict will be very different in your field in 20 years, and why?

The Final parts of this assignment are about your college experience.
5) Has there been a course or a subject area you have taken that you consider impractical or outdated? Or has a section of a course stood out for looking back and providing statistical information about the past that you found interesting?
6) Is there something you have studied in your courses that you consider cutting edge or futuristic?

Predictive Stories:

Futuristic Stories:

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Article Reviews
On predictive stories, I take a look at Brian Handwerk’s The Many Futuristic Predictions of H.G. Wells That Came True. The article examines multiple predictive theories and stories written by H.G Wells. The article covers various predictions that made by H. G wells that came true, and others are yet to come true. Some of the predictions that have come true include the following. The prediction of phones, email and television that Wells wrote in Men Like Gods (1923), that suggested an established means of communication and media in a modern society similar to these gadgets that are in use in the society today. Another important prediction by Wells is the genetic engineering in Well’s The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896). The article compares the predictions made to the current advancement in the medicine such as blood transfusions and surgical implants. Additionally, the article points out to the various experiments being conducted by scientists relating to the creation of human-animal hybrids suggesting a fulfillment of Wells predictions.
Lasers and directed energy weapons predicted in Well’s The War of the Worlds (1898) have been realized. Such successful predictions attributable to this prediction include weapons that use microwaves, electromagnetic radiation, and radio or sound waves that are currently being developed. In The World Set Free (1913), Wells predict atomic bombs and nuclear proliferation as a dark side to advanced militarism and weapon technology. The weapons Wells predicted that could fuel war, deaths, and devastation eventually came to pass with such weapons being developed by different countries. Other predictions by Wells have not yet been actualized. For example, A Modern Utopia (1905), a socialist system that would assure global peace has not been realized. With glowing nationalism and sovereignty, the possibility of such a utopia is not likely to be actualized.
Further, the prediction of Martian invasion, time machines, and human invisibility have not been actualized yet. Although the concepts of human invisibility and time machines are prevalent in sci-fi movies, their actualization is highly unlikely and will probably remain in fiction. Life on Mars remains to proven let alone Martian invasion.
The Medical Futurist (2016) article on future medical technology examines top futuristic stories that might change and disrupt medical technologies as we know them today. Here are some of them. The first is the application augmented reality in medical technology. The futuristic technology is likely to be realized much earlier with companies such as Google and Microsoft already developing cutting edge augmented reality in medical technology to be used in medical bloodless medical testing. Another futuri...
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