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Narration/Description The Pain of Injustice. Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Justice can be broadly defined as the achievement of that which is just. It can also be defined as the conformation to what is considered morally right. The concept of justice is pegged on different fields, some that present differing viewpoints. The various concepts of justice are based on law, ethics, rationality


This essay should present a story (a narration) about a time in your life when you experienced or learned about an unjust situation.
Write so your reader can picture the characters, places, and things in your story. Describe what took place in ways that help your reader feel how you felt when the event occurred (e.g. anger, shame, annoyance, embarrassment, joy, relief, resignation). Remember that the best narrations teach a lesson.
What did you learn from the experience? Incorporate your narration’s lesson into your conclusion. When finished, create a compelling title for your essay.
Grading will be based on:
Vividness of descriptions
Basic sentence structure (proofread to eliminate fragments, comma splices, and fused sentences)
Quality of editing
Attention to assignment directions
To learn and practice elements of high-quality writing:
Understanding the assignment
Invention (Brainstorming)
Thesis development
Essay organization
Revision and proofreading
The consideration of audience and assumptions
To learn and discuss rhetorical methods:
DescriptionPage 1 of2Topic:Grading:Objectives:


To learn and implement important writing strategies, particularly those that are essential for
Narration essays:
Telling a coherent story
Using a story to make a point or teach a lesson
Description essavss
Using words to vividly describe the five senses
Using description to evoke compelling, affecting memories of other places and times.
Writing objectively when reporting or when writing scientific or technical essaysThe following MLA format must be used for your heading:
Tod left of page one:
Your Name Abigail Anderson
Course Name (section) English 015 (section 025 or 026)
Submission Date January 24,2019
Assignment Title : fissay 1: Narration/Description
Top right header on all subsequent pages:
Your last name, page number Anderson 1 (on page one)
Anderson 2 (on page two)
Essay title
Center over introductory paragraph.
One thousand word minimum
Include word count at end of essay O Underline your thesis
12 point font
1” margins on all sides
Additional examples can be found on pur class ANGEL site under “Course Readings, Readings on Rhetorical Methods”
“Coming to an Awareness of Language,” Malcolm X “Me Talk Pretty One Day,” David Sedaris “The Price We Pay,” Adam Mayblum
“On the Ball,” Roger AngellObjectives:
Additional Examples On ANGELPage 2 of 2


CriteriaFollowed Assignment Directions (headings, page numbers, font size, margins, and word count).Introduction Paragraph and Underlined ThesisNarration (includes use of transitions and other rhetorical methods)DescriptionNarration's Lesson and ConclusionRevision and ProofreadingRatings5.0 pts Full Marks0.0 pts No Marks10.0 pts Full Marks I 0.0 pts No Marks 10.0 pts Full Marks I* 0.0 pts j No Marksj 10.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks|  j 5.0 pts 1 Full Marks I 0.0 pts No Marks
I 10.0 pts Full Marks I 0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
10.0 pts
10.0 pts
10.0 pts
5.0 pts
10.0 ptsI Total Points: 50.0 1

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Pain of Injustice
Justice can be broadly defined as the achievement of that which is just. It can also be defined as the conformation to what is considered morally right. The concept of justice is pegged on different fields, some that present differing viewpoints. The various concepts of justice are based on law, ethics, rationality, morality, religion, equity as well as fairness. The concept of justice also varies among different cultures. Various theories have been advanced to explain the concept of justice throughout history. The importance of justice has also been embraced throughout the history of man. In the 17th century, the theory of natural law was used to explain the concept of justice. Utilitarian thinkers in the 19th century made the argument that whatever resulted in the best consequences could be termed as justice. Today, justice is considered a beneficial virtue in any society. Such societies are guided by the philosophy that all its members should equally benefit. Actions considered wrong are punished, while the things those considered right are upheld. Justice also serves as an assurance of security and helps communities deal with crime, social strife, and civil conflict. However, despite the many challenges that justice holds for the society, it has traditionally been elusive. Owing to this, injustice has flourished in various ways over the years. From the atrocities of slavery to the dehumanization of innocent people during colonization, the history of mankind is rich in examples of injustice. While different societies have sought to achieve higher levels of justice, injustice still thrives in different ways in the modern world. Racism, classism, and sexism are some examples of the modern day injustices. Poverty and abuse are also rampant forms of injustice today. This paper seeks to explore a story where an individual(s) was stripped of justice by the very same institutions that ought to have protected them.
Sexism can generally be defined as discrimination or prejudice on the basis of a person’s gender. Though this form of injustice can affect anyone in society, girls and women are the most affected groups. Sexism has been linked to various stereotypes and is mainly based on the uninformed belief that a certain gender is superior to the other. Such beliefs may foster sexual assault and violence. While such beliefs may be taken to be medieval, they are very much alive in modern society. Moreover, while the beliefs may be though to thrive only in backward societies where women are less empowered, sexism exists in America at unimaginable levels. The Me Too Campaign confirms this claim. It was arguably the biggest story in 2017, and it served to show that even though America is considered to be among the freest societies in the world, the injustice still thrives in plain daylight. In this movement, women revealed the history of sexual abuse, harassment, and general sexism that they had faced over the years. It opened the eyes of the world to...
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