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Description Of Images: The Ancient Greek Boxing

Essay Instructions:

Write a description of the form and basic content of the work. Times New Roman, size 11 or 12 font. No space between paragraphs. Justify left. No extended heading; just your name and a title that is NOT the title of your object.

Your paragraphs should be broken down by visual aspect with clear topic sentences, and include specific details that come from your object throughout. One paragraph or a few sentences about the start can relate to the general subject matter, but most of your writing should be given over to describing the form. Be sure to proofread for grammar/spelling/smoothness.

Worksheet #1 should be turned in on the day of the paper being posted to canvas. Due: Thursday, Jan 24, 2 PM or 3:15 PM depending on your section.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Description of Images Image#1 Description This image reminds us the Ancient Greek boxing, which began in the 8th century and was famous the world over with the name of fish fighting. The photo shows two warriors fighting on the frontend, followed by several of them standing behind and waiting for their turn. Boxing was practiced in different social contexts, in all Greek city-states. Today, it has become an international game which is loved and played by thousands of people all over the world. The rules and regulations, history and custom are still the same. In the ring, two boxers seem to have come forward with anger, and one of the boxers is punching the other one using his right hand. It is a simple for...
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