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Hidden Intellectualism Summary

Essay Instructions:

Read Graff's essay: “Hidden Intellectualism” (957-61)

Summarize the main points of Graff's essay in ½ page (minimum) to 1 page (maximum). Your summary should not include more that 1-2 direct quotes. You must use signal phrases throughout your summary.

In ½ page (minimum) to 1 page (maximum), analyze Graff's ethos, using the tools we discussed. Cite specifics from the essay in your analysis. Use the term “ethos” in your analysis.

Format your response to MLA requirements for document setup. Include a Works Cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Instructors’ name)
Hidden Intellectualism
In his article, Gerald Graff reasons that the education system focuses more on “book smart” students with little attention on “street smarts” (Graff 22). He maintains that street smarts could be intelligent, though in a different way than how people perceive intellect. Graff emphasizes that shifting focus on understanding areas that every student excels and subjects that intrigue them helps street smarts to channel their intellect into their academic work and reach their intellectual potential.
Graff establishes common ground with his audience using ethos at the opening of the article by noting that everybody knows a young person who is remarkably street smart but not equally intelligent in sc...
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