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What Drives Motivation? Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

3.6 (or 5 or 7, etc*) Paragraph: a paragraph that makes three points in six sentences
Sentence one: the topic sentence that presents the subject of the paragraph.
Sentences two, three, four, and five: sentences that support the topic sentence with specific examples and/or evidence.
Sentence six: the concluding sentence that restates the main idea.
Sample Paragraph One
(1) Many reasons lead people to make one of the most important decisions about their future: choosing a career. (2) People may lose their job and need to find a new one. (3) They may be unhappy in a current job and choose to try a different career. (4) Perhaps advancement or promotion is unavailable or impossible at present. (5) Or, they might currently be thinking about going to school and need to decide what area to study. (6) Whatever the reasons, choosing a career has an important impact on our lives and needs to be taken seriously.Sample Paragraph Two
(1) Being an effective nursing professional requires a number of specific characteristics and practices. (2) First and foremost, a nurse must have respect for others and must always be willing to listen carefully to the complaints of her patients. (3) A nurse must also be knowledgeable regarding health and wellness and about the difficulties common to the healthcare field. (4) Along these lines, Bosley tells us that “[n]ursing leaders must be cognizant of the issues facing [the] profession [such as] quality, safety, cost savings, and communication” (35). (5) All in all, a nurse must be a dedicated professional, well-informed and responsible in her duties. (6) Not just anyone can be a nurse; it takes someone with the appropriate skills and mindset.Assignment - Your Choice 3.6
(1) Select a topic of your choice about which you are knowledgeable. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Conclude your paragraph with a reiteration of your topic sentence.


Essay One: Extended Definition
An extended definition essay is writing that explains what a concept or practice entails.
o This can mean combining elements from basic definition and process analysis composition techniques.
Your extended definition essay must 1) establish a clear definition of a complex concept, and 2) provide examples that help to reinforce the concept’s definition.
o For example, in your essay you could combine process analysis and definition
techniques: what does it mean to be honorable? (Include examples as well.) Or, what is the nature of equality? o Be sure you do NOT simply define a term - your essay should focus on a subject that involves multiple steps, o Also, use 3.6 paragraph structure to help in the construction of your writing.
Subject must be abstract and complex
>350-450 words
MLA compliant (see Purdue OWL website)
Two citations
Include works cited page
Due date: approx. two-three weeks

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What Drives Motivation?
Motivation is defined by Ryan and Deci, as the willingness to do a certain action (54); however, the urge to do something differs from task to task and person to person, where it may be seen that a person is doing a certain action but is not motivated, so what drives motivation? According to Pink, there are three drivers of motivation: the biological drive, the reward, and punishment drive and the intrinsic drive. First, the biological drive is more inclined in the physiological aspects of the human body that needs to be fulfilled such as hunger and libido (ch.1). Next, the reward and punishment drive, as the name suggests, is more linked in the standard way of dealing with behavior such as rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior (ch.1). Lastly, the intrinsic drive is all about doing an activity where the work is the reward in itself, where satisfaction comes from the inside of a person such as the willingness to commit to self-improvement (ch.3). Surely, the most powerful drive a person can harness is from the intrinsic d...
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