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Moral Dilemma - Receiving incorrect change Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Reaction Paper: You can take references from Chaffee: Thinking Critically about Moral Issues - Chapter 9 only

This is what I have so far:

Moral Dilemma:

I remember it was the Saturday morning before Christmas and my husband and I were food shopping for the holiday and for the week. We hadn’t gone in almost 2 weeks, so we had 2 wagons to push around, going up and down every aisle. As quickly as my husband put the items on the conveyer belt, I was packing them into the bags. After all the items were accounted for, and the coupons were applied, the grand total of the purchases was announced. As my husband paid cash (this doesn’t happen too often especially with a very large purchase), the cashier gave back the change to my husband. My husband looked a little perplexed, but he quickly placed the change in his pocket, handed me the printed coupons, and we proceeded to walk away. Before leaving the store, he told me he doesn’t think he received the correct change. I asked him to step aside and look at the receipt a little bit closer. Upon checking, we noticed the cashier gave him $20 extra.

My husband and I didn’t think twice about keeping the extra money; it would be immoral to keep it. Honesty is very important even if no one will know or ever find out. More people should extend honesty to each other. It can inspire and motivate you, and will make you feel better about yourself. We also wouldn’t want to jeopardize the cashier on losing her job or have the difference taken out of her paycheck.

People never think about the possible consequences of their actions, even though something that seems so small can have a large repercussion.

Format: Interpretation Introduction to the paper, introducing thesis and topic.

Analysis and Presentation of my Argument - giving a full analysis of the situation and present a strong argument.

Evaluation: To critically examine the facts or arguments. Give examples. You can also present the other side of the argument if you choose and tell which side you believe would be strongest. Can give citations and a reference or Works Cited in MLA.

Summarize - Summarize my thoughts.

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Moral Dilemma: Receiving Incorrect Change
Honesty plays a crucial role in society. It enhances the integrity and promotes a cohesive and transparent organization that is free and fair. The contradictions resulted from the incorrect balance from the cashier to the shopper, and none of them had an opportunity to provide immediate response to the error. Literarily, the family is free to leave with the cash. It is the cashier's fault thus should take the blame and other consequences linked to the situation. The couple, however, thinks that they should act morally despite the right to leave with the cash. Therefore, it is essential to provide positive consequences of both parties and consider the right way. Many issues surround the situation. For instance, the couple has much concern about the consequences that would follow the action of the cashier.
Moral dilemmas are common in life, and this is more evident in workplaces. It is a situation where an individual or a group of people have to make difficult choices between two courses of actions (Ferrell et al., 205). Either of such choices would often lead to the transgression of the moral principles. Therefore, both activities require moral reasoning. The incident explained provides an example of a situation that needs a similar action. The conflict of the ethical values is between returning the extra cash and retaining it since it was the mistake resulted from cashier's side.
Developing the required action plan is crucial since neither have a clear stand on the ethical priorities for the problem. The program is to consider the existing risks and the consequence of the alternative course action. For instance, it is immoral to go with the cash and this ...
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