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Conspiracy Theory Analysis. A Flying Saucer Crashed at Roswell in 1947

Essay Instructions:


1. Find and explain 3 conspiracy theories. (probably 2-3 paragraphs each). Be comprehensive but don't get lost in the minute details.

2. Break down, likely by examining via contrast and compare, the genre components of a good conspiracy theory. What makes a conspiracy theory work?

3. Break down who the audience, primarily, of these things might be. Draw from some outside sources to prove your point.

February 3rd due date.

Rubric & Tips

- Clarity is key. Be clear. Be Organized.

- Make sure you hit the objectives: Summarize the theories (Did you explain the main ideas? Did you answer the question basics - The Who, what where, when, why?


---Part I - Informative. Leave few unanswered questions

---Part II - Support your list of genre components by drawing on things you saw in the three theories you analyzed.

---Part III - Support your concept of the audience by drawing on an examination of how people talk about it (or within it).


---Clean, Clear copy


---Keep your voice. Have a spark or a bit of enthusiasm present


- A strong cohesive flow. Your work lays out in an easy to follow, logical manner


- You are writing for a Buzzfeed type organization. Maybe put in an image or two. Maybe use lists. Make it pop somehow...Remember your readers are likely 18-24 years old.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theory is an explanation of a situation or an event that has invited a conspiracy, and it involves a harmful or illegal act that has been carried out by powerful people in the society or the government and lacks in evidence. A conspiracy relies on a stand that three principles govern the universe; that is nothing is as it seems, everything is connected, and nothing happens by accident. Another common characteristic of a conspiracy theory is that they tend to evolve to integrate whatever evidence exists against them and thus to make them a closed system and unfalsifiable. This makes them a matter of faith but not proof. This paper is going to look at conspiracy theories and give examples of the same.
The New World Order, this is an existing conspiracy that observes selective and powerful groups that is "the Bilderberg group, the Illuminati and shadowy cabals" are planning to rule humans using a single unitary government. Many historical events have been caused by these groups with the aim of the New World Order. The combined groups are observed to use political power and finance, mind control, fear-based propaganda and social engineering to achieve their goals. New World Order has several signs; this includes the pyramid that is on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, disturbing and strange murals at Denver airport, inset and they have also used pictured and pentagrams in city plans. The United Nations, Nato, the European Union, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are some the international organizations said to be the founding organization of the NOW.
Today Illuminati has been popularized by politician and artist, for example, heavyweights like rap mogul Jay Z, husband to Beyoncé is known to publically admit to being in the Illuminati through his lyrics and sign flashes in his music videos. Considering his fame and influence, this only fuels the New World Order. It is a good theory as it inhibits the character of presuming that most people do not have the ability to make independent political judgment. Theory audience is literally every individual in the society. As it claims on wealth and success, most individuals in the society speak of it making the conspiracy a success. It has affected the culture of music, art and even religion and hence a society audience.
New World Order logo.
A Flying Saucer Crashed at Roswell in 1947.
There are rumors of extraterrestrial life in space. There those who believe that humans are not alone in the universe and that there exists life beyond earth. These creatures are however depicted to be smarter than humans are and especially in technology — this mentality brought about the theory of UFOs (unidentified flying objects). July 7, 1947, at Roswell, New Mexico, something did crash, and according to the United States authority, they said that it was a flying saucer (Lewandowsky, Oberauer and Gignac 622). Numerous witnesses confessed seeing metallic debris scattered at the scene. One witness observed to have seen a blazing craft across the sky before crashing. Growing to the conspiracy several witnesses have come up adding details to the phenomenon; for example, one said that there was a large military operation to recover the alien craft and the occupants of the craft. There were more than 11 crash sites, and witnesses claim they were intimidated.
The United States military has fanned this theory for decades, and they keep changing the story. After the crash, the military told reporters...
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