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Language and Cultural Impact of Tarrus Riley’s “Just the Way You Are”

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Tarrus Riley’s “Just The Way You Are”
Title: language and cultural impact of Tarrus Riley’s “just the way you are”
Introduction: Tarrus Riley's hit song "just the way you are" was released on April 2017. The song entered the American Billboards as number 83. The song has a lot of covers, and most of the cover's videos have been used as part of the song's main video. This is an indication the reception that the song has had in the society. People describe it as a smash hit.
Thesis statement: Tarrus Riley uses imagery, repetition, and similes in his song "just the way you are" to show the world that people should appreciate the beauty in women and encourage them to achieve their dreams no matter how difficult life might seem.
Body paragraphs 1_2
* The people on the Tv and magazines, as put by Tarrus Riley are a representation of success
* As well, Tarrus uses imagery to depict the role of a woman in the society and appreciate her beauty. He calls her a "stir girl
* Tarrus also uses imagery to show people what being loved feels like. "me nuh fi watch TV, inna mi yard me have a beauty queen eh eh, no man a lucky like me, am blessed to have you my baby"
Similes and metaphors
1 Tarrus uses similes to show the world that they should focus on the inner beauty of an individual rather than the outer beauty. "just the way you are girl, wake up with no make-up we nuh break up
* In his song, Tarrus keep on repeating "just the way you are." The aim of such repetition is to emphasize on the meaning of the song's title.
Cultural impact
* The song "just the way you are "is an inspiration to the female gender
* The song is a motivating tool to all its female audience
* As well, the song played a role in promoting the culture of encouraging th...
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