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"Is Google making us stupid?"-Critical Analysis Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is a Critical Analysis Essay. A summary and rhetorical analysis of a linguistic or visual text. The analysis should offer an evaluation of the text’s argument and evidence in light of the text’s specific rhetorical situation. You will analyze the reading piece "Is Google making us stupid? " by Nicholas Carr. Be sure to include:

heading, title, page numbers, a thesis statement, what literary elements are used, one or more of the three appeals, possibly symbolism, and your own inferences.....

I'd prefer to use The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings and Handbook as the reference book. If you cannot use it please include the source that you will use. No plagiarism should be detected, please.

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Rhetorical Analysis of Text
In the article "Is Google Making Us Stupid," the author Nicholas Carr emphasizes that the internet has become the primary source of gathering data, affecting people's ability to write text and read books. Although people can get relevant information from the internet, it reduces the brain's learning process (Carr). The person's concentration levels and attention spans are degrading with the excessive use of the internet. Intellect and deep reading ability are affected by the excessive use of the internet.
Literary Elements Used
Nicholas Carr uses symbolism and humor literary elements to discuss reading habits. The author quotes, “Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski” (Carr). This sentence describes the author's reading habits as a scuba diver, and a sea of words has been used as a reference and linking it with the Google search engine. The internet has affected people's reading habits as the audience's focus is on skimming the information rather than analyzing the data in detail. Such an approach is not useful in developing the cognitive and mental capabilities of a person. With advancements in technology, people have become addicted to the internet to find every piece of small information. The people do not focus on using their minds in solving a given problem. Nicholas Carr humorously highlights this issue as the author links it with a scuba diver.
Carr also uses emotional appeal by discussing how Google might develop some technology to replace the human brain. This quote "supplement[s], or even replace[s] [the human brain with] artificial intelligence," highlights this specific argument of the author (Carr). The author makes the conversation more detailed by discussing the possible adoption of artificial intelligence and its impact on humanity. Carr also discusses that from the perspective of Google, there is very little chance of ambiguity. The author has used logical reasoning for justifying the arguments.
Carr uses logos appeal for persuading people with facts and logical reasoning. The author argues that the increase in the use of the internet creates a negative impact on a person's cognitive ability. The internet and technology have made people lazy, as they tend to skim the information rather than read the content in detail (Stucki & Sager 374). The people want to gather the information in less time as they have a busy schedule. It has contributed to affecting the critical thinking ability of the people (Carr). The users do not go in-depth in evaluating and assessing the information.
The author of the article Nicholas Carr is an authority figure and possesses an intellectual personality. The writer uses personal experience and expert knowledge to describe the internet's adverse effects on human cognitive thinking (Jordan 94). The author has received a prize for the book “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.” Therefore, the writer makes use of ethos appeal for establishing the credibility and authority of the arguments. The analysis of the internet’s impact on the human mind is detailed in the article.
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