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An Issue About Free Speech and How it Led to Violence in the US

Essay Instructions:

Read the attached article and write an essay answering the following questions:

1.Who is the author and how is that person connected to the issue the editorial article has to do with?

What is the issue?

2.How does the author define the issue (explain it in a way that allows a reader who did not previously know about it to understand it)?

3.How does the author argue for the timeliness of the issue (the need to deal with the issue and its effects right now because it's particularly important to do so right now)?

4.How does the author discuss the issue's scope (all the different groups of people and specific places that have been affected and will continue to be affected if nothing is done)?

5.What does the author recommend doing to deal with the issue and its effects?

6.If the author responds to any opposing viewpoints or other possible opposing arguments, how does the author do so?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Editorial Articles
Who is the author and how is that person connected to the issue the editorial article has to do with?
What is the issue?
The author of the article is Andrew Marantz. He is connected to the issue discussed in the article because he is an American citizen and an instrument of free speech, given that he is a journalist. As an American, the issue he discusses in the article affects him because it involves free speech and how this has led to recent violence cases in the United States (U.S.). As a journalist, his work is a reflection of the freedoms of free speech. He has the right to write and publish his opinions, as seen in this article.
The issue is free speech and how it has led to violence in recent years.
How does the author define the issue (explain it in a way that allows a reader who did not previously know about it to understand it)?
Marantz discusses free speech and how it has led to recent cases of violence in the last decade. According to him, free speech is freedom, which is being abused by some (Marantz). For instance, in the Christchurch massacre, a white supremacist who had spent time trying to promote white supremacy views on social media decided to massacre tens of people at the Christchurch mosque in New Zealand (Marantz). This is an example of how some people are using their freedom of free speech to promote violence.
How does the author argue for the timeliness of the issue (the need to deal with the issue and its effects right now because it's particularly important to do so right now)?
An immediate resolution to the issue of abuse of free speech is something that the author feels needs to be done because failure to do so will only lead to more violent cases. As a suggestion, the author proposes that the government should curtail the wrong use of free speech (Marantz). He does this by suggesting that the U.S. Congress should establish a public competitor for private social...
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