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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 10.8

Editorial-article-style essay Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment all the references must be related to ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY.

Engaging the reader will be the number-one priority here.

it will not be writing in journalistic form, entirely, but focus quite a lot on short paragraphs made up of short statements that make points plainly and efficiently. Your submission will also be due with a graphical element of some sort that would help your reader to understand your point if your op-ed were published.

Minimum length of 750 words; maximum length of 800 words -- include a word count

12-point Arial or Times New Roman font

Double-spaced paragraphs

Required: an image or other graphical element to support your position

I want you to use, read and discuss about the below topic which is about the spread of covid 19 in Erie county jail and the ways to minimize the spread :


The writer should be able to convince the reader that they need to care about the issue which is SPREAD OF COVID 19 IN ERIE COUNTY JAIL AND HOW IT AFFECT THE WHOLE COMMUNITY.

The assignment must :

Define the issue -- write about it in enough factual detail that someone who wasn’t aware of it before understands it now.

Demonstrate the timeliness of the issue -- the issue has probably been important for a long time, but what makes it so necessary to deal with it now?

Discuss the issue’s scope -- how many groups of people does the issue have the potential to affect, and how large an area does the issue have the potential to affect?

Finally, suggest something that could be done about the issue -- what actions could be taken to not only treat the effects of the issue but to also remedy its causes?

After you have taken the above stances, defend your issue by trying to anticipate and respond to possible opposing arguments.

I paid for 825 words but as I mentioned it should be Minimum length of 750 words; maximum length of 800 words .

All the references must be related to Erie county or NYC, united state.

minimum 3 references.

Please don't forget an IMAGE or other graphical element to support your position.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Call for a Response in the COVID Situation in Erie County Jail

Coronavirus pandemic has been the center of social activities today. As people are applying preventive measures to avoid contracting or spreading the disease, the world is trying to heal from the virus's rapid spread. The coronavirus started in the late year of 2019 when the news of a virus disease broke out in Wuhan, China. It was until the early of the year 2020 that this virus spread across the world. As a countermeasure, countries minimize or shut borders on land, air, and sea. Some started a nationwide mass testing on their citizens to track down the infected people and avoid further infections. Later on, the World Health Organization reported the coronavirus disease as a pandemic as more countries started reporting cases. It has become more alarming when the mortality rates across countries increase while other countries continue to have a rapid increase in cases.
The pandemic has caused much damage economically and socially. It has forced business establishments to close down and eventually stop the business permanently. Social activities were limited because of the health protocol to observe social distancing and wear a protective shield, like face masks and face shields. People were told to stay at home and come out only when necessary to avoid contact with other people and crowding the space. However, there are places where these health protocols are challenging to follow because of preexisting circumstances. One of the places that could not healthily follow is jail and prisons. Because the space in this public entity is often crowded and small, it is hard for the people to observe social distancing.
Erie County is among the other areas that are concerned about the COVID situation in jails. As of April and May, the county's jail still had low rates of infections. That is why recommendations were given after reports of jail infections in other areas increased. At around April, 17 prisoners were released in advance after contracting the covid19 virus (Staff). The county was also able to release 78 prisoners to respond to the covid19 recommendations (Becker). However, there is still a call for more prisoners' release, especially now that the pandemic is rapidly increasing despite preventive measures (Kristich). Virus infections in jails are more easily passed to other inmates because of prisoners and jail guards and staff's in-and-out a...
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