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Process Analysis

Essay Instructions:
For this essay, describe the process of your daily routine using either the directional or informational process analysis strategy. I would like students to use a big of space in this essay to also reflect on how they can manage their days more effectively. Your essay will need to be at least 750 words with an introductory paragraph, a minimum of three paragraphs (steps) in the body of the essay, and a conclusion. Please do not go over 1,000 words. Make sure your paper is titled, page numbers are inserted in the top right corner (lastname_pagenumber), and double spaced.
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My Daily Routine As A student
Course title:

This day, I want to document my daily schedule as a student at this campus. This is my first year as an undergraduate student at this college and it has made me to ponder not only life in this institution but also in USA. I have found this to be fashionable, and I will truly miss it when my time expires in this place.
I mostly wake up at around 5.00 to 5.30 a.m. My first thing after waking up is to remember my creator and thank him for protecting me. I take around 15 minutes for this course. I was not used to waking up very early like this but the tight learning schedule in our campus have mandated me to be an early bird type. I do not reside in the school and I leave quite a distance from the school ground, so waking up early enables me to have good time in prayer and preparation for the morning classes This also enables me to catch the campus bus as it’s the main transportation mechanisms I use to the college.
From 8.30- 12.20, I attend the classes, 12.30 to 1.30, I go for lunch break. At this time of lunch break is also when I go out for shopping for (buying fruits and other snacks). The first lesson begins at 8.30, the second one is 9.30, the third arrives at 10.45, and this is followed by the morning break, which starts at 11.00 a.m to 11.30. At 11.30, the fourth lesson begins, this is followed by the fifth lesson at 11.30 to 12.30, when we have lunch break. We have an additional lesson after lunch that runs from 1.30 to 2.30. Students have 30 minutes to reflect on what they have learned the whole day before being allowed to dispatch to their various residential areas.
After classes at 3.00pm, I go back to my residential place, take shower, have bowl of cheerio or hot coffee, relax a bit and join others for social activities. After this, I then retire until the following day when the same routine repeats itself.
I finish my classes latest at 3.00p.m. This does not however mean that it is the latest class, the latest ends at 8.30. Last year, I was only scheduled three days in a week for my learning program, but the number of lessons keeps on increasing as one progress to the next level. Attending classes at this institution is up to the student’s concern and the professors are not so strict about it except some few classes. Some students in other faculties are free to design their schedule in a way they would find convenient to them.
The schedule I have presented above does not however remain the same on each day. This is because, there are times when evening classes, are missing. There are also times when some lecturers in the ...
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