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Human activities that emit carbon dioxide do not cause global warming at all

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 2 (argument structure): Argumentative essay (5 pages, due Feb. 13) Put together a well-structured essay arguing something you know to be untrue. For example: A whale is a fish, or an avocado is a vegetable. More details: Chapter 32 of Moby Dick is an essay about whales. Specifically, it is a classification or definition essay. Your task is to come up with your own classification system (however ridiculous and unscientific) and to use that classification system to defend the thesis of your own essay. Use the chapter as a model to the extent that it makes sense to you to do so. I would point you in particular to page 117, where Ishmael lays out his thesis that whales are fish.
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Human activities that emit carbon dioxide do not cause global warming at all
Climate change enthusiasts claim that human beings are the main cause of changing climate patterns through the emission of CO2 gases into the atmosphere. These arguments presuppose that natural causes only remotely affect the climate, and human beings are the main culprits. However, there arguments fail to acknowledge the historical change in climate patterns including the ice age. They also fail to offer explanations as to why variations in climate happen even during the same period of time. If human beings cause climate change then the prediction of climate would be easy when taking into account the level of human activities and industrialization throughout the ages. A look into arguments dispelling the notion that human beings cause climate change is necessary.
Human activities do not in any way lead to climate change; case in point is the Sahara desert which emerged when there was little industrialization. The change in the orbit over time is the most plausible explanation for desertification of the Sahara. The change from a fertile land to a desert is widely accepted among scientists, which coincided with the change in the obit over time. A tilt in the earth’s orbit occurs after 41, 000 years in the range between 22 to 25 degrees (Herath). On the other hand, there could be a reversal of this process in which changes in the Greenland could lead to a faster tilt that would cause climate change.
The belief that the sun is also a main cause of climate change appeared to gain more prominence with the availability of data suggesting that sunspots cause the sun’s energy to influence temperature on earth. In a study conducted by the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, there found out that there is a linkage between the sun’s energy and variation in global temperatures as quoted by (Herath). In essence, geomagnetic activity is the link between the sun and earth. Even though, the data available may seem inadequate, the link between the two cannot be ignored as having an impact on climate. In addition, chemical reaction is also a cause in climate, a rise in temperature cause many chemical reactions which in turn lead to climate change.
Historically, the earth’s temperatures have fluctuated undergoing numerous cycles, with human beings having little impact on the occurrence of these natural cycles (Paris &Paris 137). The change in the carbon dioxide levels has coincided with the ice age and warming periods which influenced these cycles. Thus, the rise in temperatures in our current generation is simply a natural phenomenon in the warming era. Equally, climate change enthusiasts are wrong in there prediction of the changing climate patterns as there is no predictable pattern to correctly forecast climate pattern. There have been periods of the earth cooling, but this has been ignored.
In a report released by the International Climate Change Conference, the earth was actually cooling in spite of claims that human use of fossil fuels led to climate change. It is vital to look into the agenda of regulators who favor more regulation in industrial emissions but using climate change as there reason. The notion that CO2 emission is the cause of climate change through human activities does not coincide with the industrialization. In the decades from the 1940’s to the 1970’s there was cooling, but the rise from the 1970’s to the 1990’s mainly gained prominence than other periods in time. Changes in the climate change have coincided with patterns change in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (Ferrara).
Most sources of CO2 are naturally occurring to the extent that the impact of human activities is inconsequential in causing global warming. The release of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to a balancing act in which these emissions reduce through naturally occurring systems in the carbon cycle (Kondratev et al 9). Thus, human activities also contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases, but the effect is less visible and cannot be said to be the main cause of climate change. In addition, the CO2 levels nowadays are lower than previous levels despite the supposed climate change through human activities. The population was also less than it is today and human activities relied less on industrial product, and hence the need to rule out human activities as contributing to climate change.
Climate enthusiasts presuppose that climate change is entirely caused by human beings and go on to use computer models to predict the impact of human activities on the world (Quirin, 285). Nonetheless, these predictions h...
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