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Primary Source Report, Description and Analysis

Essay Instructions:
Description and Analysis: Now that you have developed the organization of your essay and decided where the information you found will fit within your essay, it is time to make sure you have met all the source requirements for the final essay. One of these requirements is a primary source. A primary source is an original document (diaries, letters, interviews, official records, surveys, observations). Find more information on primary sources here and here. NOTE: If you were looking for a primary source in the library, you might use search words like charters, correspondence, diary, manuscripts, letters, documents. In contrast, a secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. They have pictures, quotes and graphics of primary sources in them. They include things like textbooks, books, magazines, journals, and encyclopedias. The process of writing Primary Source Report: - Develop an introduction. - Explain the purpose of the study. - What is the hypothesis you are attempting to prove? - Explain the process of your study. - Discuss the outcomes you obtained. - Discuss why you think you got the results you did and how you plan to use them in your essay. Rubric: Objective/Criteria Performance Indicators Need Improvement Meet Expectations Good Exceptional Not Completed Content: Includes clear description of purpose and process for the primary source. Content: Includes a clear introduction and conclusion that discusses results and how the source is useful for the essay. Content: Includes adequate details of the source collection process (and results if applicable). Organization: Relationship of ideas are clear Expression: Clear sentence structure and paragraphs are well formulated. Clear transitions. Correctness: Avoids errors in grammar and punctuation
Essay Sample Content Preview:
THE IMPACT OF MEDIA EXPOSURE TO CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR Name: Course title: Professor: Institution: Date Due: Introduction The subject of media influence to young children and youth have hotly been debated in recent times. Majority of people and researchers have come to belief that the media has a significant influence on children’s characters. Beresin for instance opines that media violence instigates aggressive behavior among children and youth (2010). However, other studies have contradicted such assertions. Olson is one of such researchers whose study noted that media did not influence young children’s behavior (2004). Rather, they developed their behavior from the environmental and family conditions in which they were. Purpose of Study It is therefore for this reason that the researcher decided to conduct this study to find out if media exposure of violence instigated different behavior on children. Study Hypothesis The Hypothesis for this study is that the media influence on children’s characters is insignificant. Study Procedure The study procedure that I employed in this study was experimental approach. In this case, I made an arrangement with the headmistress of a local elementary school who accepted my request to conduct the study. In this study, I only dealt with class one pupils whom I divided into two sets. One group was shown media content that involved violent actions while the other group viewed nonviolent content. Bandura and Berkowitz used this kind of study approach in their early studies concerning children’s behavior (1977). The aspect of changed behavior among these children, which was a dependent variable, was measured by use of a pencil and paper test just after exposure. The first of these groups were shown a five-minute video clip segment that indicated a chase, three fistfights, a knifing, and three shootings. Those in the control group were shown a video clip of similar length where athletes were competing in tracks and other game events in the field. After this exposure, the children were taken one after the other into...
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