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Identity politics

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Name Instructors Name Course: Date Outline IntroductionThemes discussed- * gender, * class, * culture * race. Conclusion Identity Politics An individual`s behavior is complex to analyze and understand. One may wonder why some people do some things while others don`t. Many psychologists have tried to determine the effects and what influences human behavior as a whole. However, some behavior is still difficult to establish their roots and what make a person tick to engage in a particular behavior (Browne, 2011).Moreover, different social groups have varying perspectives and self-interests thereby shaping their identity through class, race, gender culture and other preferences that correlates to the given social institution or organization. Not all members of a given group involve themselves in identity politics but most of them do. Many authors have written books and short stories on identity politics, behavior and result of such behaviors which their influences. One of such explicit authors is Amy Tan. She is a well-known American writer who was born in 1952 at Oakland, California. This was two years after her parents had emigrated from China. She studied English and earned herself a master`s degree in linguistics form California State University in San Jose (Tan, 2006). Over the years she has worked as a language consultant and a business writer but later on in 1985 tried her hand in fiction writing. To boost her new interests and knowledge, she joined the community workshop of Squaw Valley Community of writers. Her major works` main focus is on mother- daughter relationships. In the short story " Two kinds", the main subject of discussion is identity conflict and how ones beliefs can shape their opinion and values. Moreover, beliefs can influence ones relation to others. The story gives out the childhood of Jing- Mei Woo and the outcome of her mother`s expectation or her life. This gives birth to conflict of interest between a daughter and her mother. The story by Amy Tan demonstrates the use of the elements that make up a story namely the setting, the characters, the plot and the use of symbolism. The story setting and the characters- Most of the events in the story occur in Chinatown, USA during the periods between 1950s and early 1960s.Chinatown is full of people of Asian descent. Most of the cultural practices there are Asian, specifically Chinese. The protagonist who is also the main character in the story is Amy Tan, the author herself. The antagonist who creates the conflict within the story is her mother. Knowingly, she pushes her daughter to the limits by trying to make her what she`s not, a piano prodigy but to no success. She does all she can to make her child become a piano prowess (Tan, 2006). Other characters include Lindo Jong, who is referred to as Aunty Lindo by the protagonist. Moreover, Aunty Lindo is also a close friend to Amy`s mother and has a daughter named Waverly Jong who`s quite close to Amy`s age. Even though Amy`s dad is mentioned in the story, he is a minor character who does not play much role.Amy`s piano instructor, Old Chong is also a minor character in the context of the story. It is interesting to note that all of the characters are of the same race and share the same beliefs. Plot- Exposition-The exposition in "Two Kind" is clear. In the beginning of the story, is depicted that Amy`s family relocated to America in 1949 when she was a baby. Her mother is determined to make Amy a female child prodigy. She wants her daughter to be a piano guru and famous. She is determined to get Amy out of their social class to a better through acquisitio...
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