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Visual metaphors

Essay Instructions:
hi writer i will uploaded this work,and you can see all teacher instruction there.just need to answer some question by one by one so there are two work so dived one page between them.the first one is metaphor and the second one young good man brown you can see on the uploaded file.so please separate both work,don't combine together,because there are different.just answer those that will be equal to the number of one page.Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Institution: Course: Date of submission: Visual metaphors Visual metaphors present information that shows an analogy of two images, it illustrates the relationship between an idea, place, individual or thin through image. The two distinct concepts being compared are education and weapon specifically a pistol, all which can have a major impact on people’s life. Even though, education is positive in many cases it is as powerful as a weapon, which can kill instantly. The use of the weapon makes the metaphor effective, as the aftermath of shooting through profound change. Similarly, with education many people can transform their lives. Nonetheless, the image could be enhanced if it shows a 3 d image as one can clearly conceptualize its impact. However, for a visual metaphor to be effective it must be appropriate for the target audience (Williams).  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mQMEYeaayPc/TN2xCIaHsVI/AAAAAAAAANo/ipk3Qgepe6s/s1600/mou5e.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Works cited Education is the most powerful weapon- visual metaphor.web  HYPERLINK "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mQMEYeaayPc/TN2xCIaHsVI/AAAAAAAAANo/ipk3Qgepe6s/s1600/mou5e.jpg" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mQMEYeaayPc/TN2xCIaHsVI/AAAAAAAAANo/ipk3Qgepe6s/s1600/mou5e.jpg William Vicki S. Creating Effective Visual Metaphors. web  HYPERLINK "/staff/v/q/vqw/Portfolio/VislMeta.pdf" /staff/v/q/vqw/Portfolio/VislMeta.pdf One young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Hawthorne uses foreshadowing in the story as Brown’s wife tells him,” A lone woman is Troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she's afeard of herself sometimes. Pray tarry With me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year,” (Hawthorne ). From this point on it is clear that Goodman Brown’s journey may not be smooth, and this happens as Brown encounters the Devil as he goes towards the forest. Surprisingly Brown meets a pious old woman whom he discovers is a follower of the Devil, it becomes a struggle to reconcile Devilish acts in addition, the kind of people who visit the Devil appear good-natured but are evil. Hawthorne uses the allusion of a forest to represent the hardships that faithful and religious people go through. Brown takes the journey when it is dark and the road is dreary, it id not an easy task for Brown as he has to undergo mental anguish and other tribulations to come out triumphant. A Church minister is also a follower of the Devil a...
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