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Effects of Renaissance on writing

Essay Instructions:
Explain how the Renaissance affected the works written during that time. Give specific examples of lines and themes that exemplify the characteristics of the Renaissance.
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Student`s Name Course Instructor Date Effects of Renaissance on writing Renaissance involved the use of classical methods in the literature between the 14th to the 16th century. This was the period when the literature from Europe was the most popularly known across the world and mostly used. This classical method used knowledge and attitude from the ancient Greek and Roman era. It was first started in Italy and later spread to parts of Europe. Due to cultural decline in writing, there was a need to revive art, literature and culture related to society and politics. The Renaissance period is used to illustrate how the Europeans moved from the middle ages that had restrictive ideas. It involved a new focus in humanity that gave freedom to writers that to be inquisitive about the world around them (Sherman, pg164). This revival itself focused on a change from the ideology of Gods absolute power. For instance Shakespeare who was a catholic used the new ideology in his writing. Even though the new idea, did not involve much about God`s super powers, it did not reject God`s ideology. Shakespeare was born towards the end of renaissance period and he was the first writer to use its ideology in his literature. The first example of Shakespeare`s writings that used Renaissance ideas is Hamlet. In this work he created human characters using psychological complexity with a two-dimension writing method. Shakespeare was able to explore human character from all the hierarchies in the society. In his writing we are able to see that even monarchs who are the most respected persons in the society can be overtaken by emotions and make mistakes. Before Renaissance writers did not use the Roman and Greek classical styles due to restrictions by the Catholic Church (Sherman, pg164.)The Renaissance brought a change and writers like Shakespeare could use it in their writing. Before the Renaissance, literature was written in Latin and therefore only those who understood Latin could read and write literally work. During this period books were so expensive for the poor to afford. Those who did not afford the writings listened to public readings. These readings still created barriers to those who did not understand. The new revival introduced literature in different languages and most people could read in their own language. In the 15th century, a new printing press that printed books cheaply enabled books to be written in many different languages unlike before when handwritten manuscripts were used. Renaissance changed people`s way of life and things like comedy and tragedy became the new way of life. Many books were printed which were available to the poor due to their cheaper method of production. Writings during the Rena...
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