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The Prevalence, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Your research essay will be stress free. First, your essay only needs to be three to four pages long, and include parenthetical citations, which I will explain in another announcement. In addition, you need one Works Cited page showing that you used two sources.
Topic? I am glad you asked. Since the novel we read considers Mental Health, I would like you to choose a topic related to Mental Health, and inform you audience about it. Some possible choices include various mental health diagnoses or conditions, general psychiatric care or treatments, or even aspects of mental hospitals. Previous students have chosen topics like depression, OCD, or electroshock therapy, just to name a few. You can include symptoms, causes, treatments, success rates, or research as you explore your topic.
Start thinking about it, and looking at library articles, the DSM-5, or websites ending with .gov or .org. Do not use wikipedia as a source.
Stay tuned for further instructions. Decide on a topic by Wednesday, 11/29.
Use lots of citations. It is better to use too many than use too few. Any paper turned in without parenthetical citations or a works cited page will simply be given a zero, so please don't make that error.
Basically, any time you use information from anywhere, whether you quote or put in your own words, you will need a citation. The citations within the text are easy; note the author's last name and the page number within parentheses before the ending punctuation of your sentence. If there is no author last name or page number, that's easy too. For no page number, simply omit the number. For no author last name, use the title of the article (in quotations) in its place.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Mental illnesses affect the ability of people to think, feel, and relate to other people in the society. One of the major mental health illnesses is bipolar disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme changes in mood and energy levels. As such, a person experiences emotional highs and lows. When one is depressed, one feels hopeless and sad, and this is accompanied by the loss of interest in many activities (Mayo Clinic). The extreme shifts in mood swings can affect energy level, judgment, behavior, activity, sleep, as well as the ability to think clearly (Mayo Clinic). While bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, following a treatment plan can help one manage the extreme mood swings and other related symptoms. This paper examines the prevalence, symptoms, causes, and treatment of bipolar disorder.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bipolar disorder has a lifetime prevalence of about 4%. However, for 12-month prevalence, it is 2.6% of the adult population in the US (NIH). This is a significant percentage of the population that suffers from just one mental disorder. Women are more affected by Bipolar disorder than men with the ratio of prevalence being 3:2 (CDC). Also, the CDC notes that 25 years is the median age for the onset of the condition. The onset is earlier for men than for women (CDC). In regards to the members of the population who are insured, of the 7.5% claimants with behavioral health coverage, 3% had bipolar disorder (CDC). Another significant feature of people with the condition is that they incurred $568 annually in out-of-pocket costs (CDC). It is also important to note that people with bipolar disorder incur higher insurance payments compared to others that have behavioral health care diagnoses (CDC). Therefore, it is deducible that bipolar diagnosis is extremely expensive. In fact, the CDC notes that it costs more than two times as much as depression. The high costs are as majorly as a result of indirect costs such as productivity loss that come in the form of presenteeism and absenteeism (CDC). According to the NIH, while the 12-month prevalence of the condition stands at 2.6% for the US adult population, about 82.9% of the cases are severe. It is evident that bipolar disorder is a serious mental condition that affects a significant portion of the population. In addition, its diagnosis and treatment are costly compared to other mental conditions. Also, there have been increased rates of diagnoses of the condition in children, adolescents, and adults (Blader and Carlson 107).
The depressive symptoms related to bipolar disorder include blue moods and the feeling that things will not get better (Bauer, Kilbourne and Greenwald 7). Most of the time, people lose pleasure in activities they normally do. They become unrealistically hopeless, pessimistic, and guilty (Bauer, Kilbourne and Greenwald 7). The authors also note one even considers ending his or her life (7). Other depressive symptoms of the condition include physical changes such as loss of appetite or eating too much and the inability to sleep.
The manic and hypomanic symptoms also characterize the disease. However, as noted by Bauer, Kilbourne, and Greenwald, the ups are more variable (8). Most of the times, the up moods associated with the conditions are o...
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