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Prejudice in Mary Shelley's Novel Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

Analysis of Prejudice in Frankenstein

Prejudice is a clear theme in Frankenstein. Prejudice in this sense is "an irrational attitude of hostility directed against and individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics" (merriam-webster.com). Your next essay assignment is to look at the role prejudice plays in the development of the creature. Then look at prejudice is a specific incident of the past few months. Based on the novel and the present, what conclusions can be drawn about prejudice? What is lost when people are prejudiced?



Prejudice in Frankenstein. Nearly every character in the book assumes the creature is dangerous simply because of the way he appears. What happens to him that changes him from peaceful to violent? What parallels do you see between the prejudice toward the creature and prejudice seen today? What conclusions do you draw from your analysis of the novel and your chosen current incident of prejudice?

To draw or form a conclusion means to form an opinion based on your reasoning and information.

REQUIREMENTS Pay close attention!

Use direct quotations from the book. Remember to include page numbers.

MLA Format

3 FULL pages of content and a works cited page.

DO NOT do additional research!!! This essay is to present your critical thinking.

Works cited page for e book: Be sure you cite the edition of the book you are using on the works cited page.

Works cited page and in-text citation if using an e-book

Use the page number in the in-text citation.

For the e-book in-text citation use the page number or the location number if available.

If there are no page numbers or location numbers, put the author's last name in parenthesis. Example (Shelley).

Always avoid plagiarism.


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Prejudice in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein
Prejudice is one of the most predominant themes in Mary Shelley's classical novel, Frankenstein. Prejudice is one of the biggest flaws of human nature. Most people are quick to judge others based on their looks and appearance instead of taking time to listen to them and interact with them to understand their intentions and the substance of their actions. In her gothic novel, Mary Shelley explores the theme of prejudice by inviting her audience to reflect on the Monster's treatment of humans. The Monster is immediately rejected by humans, including its creator, based on its looks. This forces the Monster to withdraw into isolation and misery, which propels it to develop intense feelings of hatred and a strong desire for revenge. Therefore, through Frankenstein, Shelley demonstrates that prejudice can force individuals to become lonely, isolated, paving the way for feelings of hatred, destruction, and retaliation.
In the novel, almost every character believed the Monster is a deadly creature out to cause harm. Victor, the creator of the Monster, is the first to express his hatred towards the Monster he had created. While he had set out to create a 'thing of beauty, he ended up creating the ugly Monster. The Monster educated itself and was able to argue rationally and act rationally like humans. However, this is not enough for it to be acceptable to humans around it. Its looks and appearance are repulsive. Therefore, the Monster is only judged based on its outward appearance instead of the rational ideas it can bring to the table. As a result, the Monster is constantly beaten, shunned, and even shot at by people it meets on the streets. The Monster tries to befriend William Frankenstein, whom it sees as a young boy, who may not have developed any sense of prejudice towards him. However, William Frankenstein rejects the Monster's approach and cries out, "Let me go," he cried; "Monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me, and tear me to pieces -- You are an ogre (Shelley 31)."' To the Monster's shock, even the smaller ones had already been taught prejudice and hatred towards him.
The hatred the Monster received from the so-called civilized humans led him to withdraw from people and run to live by himself in a remote place. While in isolation, the Monster reflects on how it was treated by humans who were prejudiced and intolerant towards it. The Monster realizes that huma...
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