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How Has Free Speech Affected Universities?

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How Has Free Speech Affected Universities?
Universities are one of the areas where free speech can greatly impact the learning process and the implementation of policies. Therefore, banning free speech in universities has been a major consideration to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process. An example of such considerations is that President Donald Trump has threatened to cut the funding on universities that ban free speech. Such indicates that most universities have considered banning free speech yet it has an influence on the learning process. Therefore, this paper will outline how free speech has affected universities by facilitating better policies, improving the learning process, and preventing controversial speakers from negatively affecting students.
Free speech in universities has played a major role in the implementation of reliable policies. When students have the freedom of speech, they can communicate their needs to the necessary leaders. Such is common in cases where the students are not happy about how the university runs some of the activities. The policymakers use the students' issues to make more reliable policies than what they used to have (Davids, Nuraan, and Yusef). Student leaders are responsible for presenting the student’s needs to the university’s management. If the needs require the management to change certain policies, the change should occur to prevent chaos in the university. However, free speech does not always result in the implementation of better policies in the universities. In some cases, the students might take advantage of the free speech freedom to force the institution into implementing policies that favor the learners. These policies are not always in the best interest of the institution. Therefore, free speech has become a concept of debate because it can positively or negatively affect the university. Donald Trump has threatening to cut the financing to the universities that ban free speech. If students do not have the freedom of speech, it becomes challenging for them to influence the decisions made by the university management. Therefore, the management ensures to make policies in the best interest of the institution rather than the students. Cutting funding on universities that ban free speech would favor students because the institutions would be required to include students in the policy formation process.
Free speech plays a major role in improving the learning process through the prevention of chaos. Free speech can facilitate ...
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