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The Impacts of the Industry of Farming, Manufacturing, Packaging, and Use of Tobacco on the Environment

Essay Instructions:

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1,000 - 1,800 words + Works Cited page

MLA formatting

FIVE sources minimum (TWO library database, ONE course essay)


Respond to your Research Question by crafting a thesis that addresses the issue, moment, figure, or phenomenon you have researched. If you have chosen to include a photograph*, use your work from the Visual Analysis assignment to explain how your chosen photo exemplifies, supports or complicates your thesis.

*Using a photograph is not a requirement for this essay, but it will allow you to make your research more complex.


In order to demonstrate how your thesis contributes to the scholarly conversation that you have developed around your issue, moment, figure, or phenomenon, you will incorporate the most useful sources from your annotated bibliography within the essay. Use this scholarly conversation, as well as analysis of concrete visual details*, to support and evolve your thesis about your research.


Synthesize your sources by placing them in conversation with one another (WA 238-241), but remember that your ideas, not your sources’ must structure and orient this conversation. Use the conversation you construct to evolve your thesis (WA 182-188) by adding context, nuance, and new perspectives to your claim. 

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How Does Industry Affect the Environment in Farming and Agriculture, Manufacturing of Products, Packaging, And the Use of Tobacco Products?
Tobacco farming has become one of the most thriving agricultural practices since the product is being consumed in different parts of the world. Following the illegalization of most drugs in other parts of the world, the number of tobacco consumers is very high. Therefore, the tobacco farmers have to ensure that they produce enough products to meet the emerging demand. The industry is prone to causing pollution, and regulations have to be set to reduce such pollution. This paper will discuss how the industry has caused an environmental impact and the measures taken to reduce such pollution now and in the future.
The industry causes environmental pollution but rules have been implemented to reduce the pollution caused by farming. The farming process has resulted in high levels of deforestation, thus contributing to global warming. A people clear lands to plant tobacco, they cut down many trees thus contributing to climatic change. Various countries across the world have been highly affected by deforestation caused by tobacco farming. Therefore, is crucial to have a reconciliation between tobacco manufacturers and industry specialists to ensure that the environmental destruction ceases (Lee, Kelley, Natalia Carrillo Botero, and Thomas). Such measures would support the thesis because they would help make the tobacco farming business an ecologically reliable activity. Activists pointed out the issue of ecological destruction and advocated for the need to arise and protect the earth's resources (Kolbert). According to Kolbert, every organism in the ecosystem has a vital role to play. This claim supports the thesis by showing the importance of regulating the industry to reduce pollution. Deforestation would raise the levels of climatic change and this would make it challenging to plant tobacco in the future. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has set regulations for people to plant trees as a measure of reducing global warming. However, the tobacco farming sector has highly violated this regulation since the farmers have to cut trees on vast areas to plant tobacco. There is a need for the industry to comply with such regulations so that it can create sustainability. It is recommended that the tobacco farmers plant their tobacco and other types of trees that do not affect its growth. It would help compensate for the trees cutting during the farming industry. Planting other trees is a costly exercise, and therefore, if the industry does not set strict regulations, the tobacco farmers will continue to cut trees without producing new ones. In the long run, the sector might highly pollute the environment to an extent where the change might not be easily reversible.
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) affects the manufacturing of products by ensuring that the tobacco being distributed across the world does not contain harmful additives. Some of the additives used to preserve the tobacco could cause adverse impacts on the user's body. Therefore, if regulations have been ...
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