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Positive Effects of Computer Games

Essay Instructions:

Now it is time to argue a position. For this project, you should choose one of the stakeholders from your Mapping the Conversations Essay whom you disagree with and want to persuade. You may not choose your classmates for this assignment, even if your issue is campus-related. The audience you choose should be currently indifferent, uninformed, or resistant to your idea or position. While you will use the information you discovered in previous projects as a foundation for this project, you must do additional research that will allow you to craft an appropriate and persuasive argument based on your position that is tailored to the audience’s expectations, background, and values. This will require more research about the issue and about the audience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Positive Effects of Computer Games A computer game which is also commonly referred to as personal computer (PC) game is a form of a video game that is played on a computer. The modern computer games are easily accessible since they can be played from a variety of devices. The devices which are capable of holding the computer games include smartphones, the tablets, the laptops, and many others. Computer games target a variety of people of different ages. There are computer games that target the children, the teenagers, the middle-aged adults as well as the aged. The addiction and excitement due to the computer games render them the most popular and favorable games among teenagers and the youth. The games offer new challenges at every level, and most teenagers can do almost anything to achieve the highest level of the game. That means that they get immersed in the games and forget about everything in their surroundings. Therefore, the parents have become very concerned, and they think that computer games have adverse effects on their children overlooking the positive impacts they have on the development of a child. From the parent's point of view, the children and teenagers become so attached to computer games such that they don’t even interact with their immediate environment. This problem has caused a conflict between the children and their parent since these children cannot help in household chores (Wu 51). Parents have argued that the emergence of computer games make their children lazy because they simply cannot do anything else apart from sitting and playing the games. Also, they also have argued that playing computer games can compromise the health of their children. The reason is that they just sit and watch instead of being actively involved in outdoor activities. Another concern about computer games among the parents is that the children lack social skills when they get too much involved in the game. They have for a long time feared that their children would turn into antisocial behaviors because of spending a lot of time with their computers alone. Some games are developed in such a way that their setting invokes violence to the children. That has also been a major concern that the children will grow up to be irresponsible and violent people (Blades 26). However, the parent should realize that everything has both the positive and the negative side. When the cost-benefit analysis is done, it is found that the benefits of playing computer games among people of all ages outweigh the disadvantages as it is discussed below. The main advantages of playing computer games are associated with improving the logic and the mental ability of a child. Problem-solving is one of the most critical skills that a person can develop. When a child plays such game as the Angry bird, the Incredible Machine and the Cut the Rope, he trains his or he mind to be creative (Ke 223). This creativity helps the child to come up with ways of solving a problem from an early age. The part of the brain of the child that is involved with logic and the decision making processes develops creativity which cannot be developed in school. These vital skills will help the kid to be a strong problem solver who can solve even more challenging problems in the future. The computer games involve the hands and the eyes of the child during the game. The coordination between the hand and the eye helps the child to gain spatial and fine motor skills. If the player is playing the shooting games, the player's character may be shooting and running at the same time (Martinovic 456). That means that the child has to keep a sharp eye on the screen of the computer while coordinating the hands to shoot the opponent. This kind of a computer game, therefore, facilitates the player's brain coordination between the eye and the hands. The research shows that when a child develops these skills at a young age, he can learn the iconic and the spatial ability efficiently at a later age. It is also proven that the pilots of today are better off than those of the previous generation because they were introduced to the computer gaming at an early age which developed their coordination of the hand and the eye ability. While playing the game, the child has to plan, manage resources and logistics as provided by the computer game. This skill helps the player to manage the limited resources and to prioritize on the best use of the resource as it is in the real-life situation (Sochocka 72). Games like Rail Road Tycoon and SimCity helps the player to plan the resources in the course of the game. Researchers claim that the SimCity game has inspired most of its player to develop an interest in careers like architecture and urban planning (Tsekleves 70). The reason is that the player has already learned the techniques of planning and allocation of resources from a tender age. In games which involve the utilization of various variables and management of multiple objectives, the player develops the multitasking ability to help him or her to simultaneously manage many shifting variables. This kind of games helps the player to develop speed when changing the tactics from one level to another (Tsekleves 70). Most of the brains cognitive activities are triggered when playing such games and the players become better and creative people in the future. It is worth noting that the cognitive abilities are within the child, but they have to be developed through practice. The computer games help the child to practice and develop these essential skills. Many computer games require quick thinking and making fast decisions. Most of the times, the player has to think as fast as possible and make decisions which provid...
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