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Final Draft Of Writing Project 4: Portfolio & Introductory Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assessment criteria for the Portfolio Project J
Context (see Portfolio Project assignment prompt for more details):
Your portfolio should consist of three pieces of writing. Please include two texts you produced in this class {you may choose your Rhetorical Analysis, your Advocacy Project, and/or your Commentary). The texts you choose should illustrate 1) your ability to analyze the rhetorical strategies in texts written by others or 2) your ability to produce effective texts for specific rhetorical situations, or 3) both. The third text will be your introductory essay.
Your Introductory Essay should explain the other two texts that you've chosen to include For each о those other two texts: 1) briefly describe the assignment (after all, most of your readers won't be amiliar with your course); 2) explain the rhetorical situation for your work; and 3) discuss elements о your writing that illustrate your ability to analyze rhetorical strategies, to produce rhetorically effective texts or both.
Assessment criteria:
. Rhetorical strategies - demonstrate your ability to analyze the rhetorical strategies in texts written by ot ers, and/or your ability to produce effective texts for specific rhetorical situations
Not Demonstrated (F) Writing shows almost no evidence that the student understands the rhetorical strategies used in texts written by others or that the student can produce rhetorically effective texts for specific rhetorical situations.
The reflective essay fails to mention how the author addressed the rhetorical situation, or the reflective essay fails to mention any rhetorical principles, or the reflective essay mentions these but is inaccurate or even wrong,
The evidence essays are both mismatched for the rhetorical situation or fail to use specific rhetorical principles correctly if at all.
Demonstrated: competent (C) Writing shows evidence that the student has the ability to analyze the rhetorical strategies in texts written by others and/or has the ability to produce rhetorically effective texts for specific rhetorical situations, as appropriate for this first-year course.
The reflective essay explains reasonable strategies and cites examples, though it might not discuss those examples extensively.
The evidence essays offer at least some illustrations of the student analyzing rhetorical strategies used in texts written by others or producing rhetorically effective texts for specific rhetorical situations. Demonstrated: strong (B) Writing shows clear evidence that the student has a strong understanding of rhetorical analysis and/or a strong ability to produce rhetorically effective texts for specific rhetorical situations
The reflective essay persuasively explains characteristics of rhetorical strategies and cites examples, discussing them with specificity,
At least one evidence essay demonstrates the student's skill in analyzing rhetorical strategies in texts written by others or producing rhetorically effective texts for specific rhetorical situations, while the other is at least competent at level 2.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name University Course Instructor Date Final Draft of Writing Project 4: Portfolio & Introductory Essay Introduction Portfolio & Introductory Essay Portfolio Essay entails selection of a work that describes one’s writing abilities as well as knowledge about writing and ability to think critically. For many years, Rhetorical analysis has always been my problem. I never had any slight idea about rhetorical analysis. One of my major problems was that I never used to think about my audience when I was writing. As a matter of facts, I never used to do brain storming before I started writing. However, this cause has helped improve my writing skills as can be noted from the two works that we were given in class. As can be witnessed in the essay I wrote about the Effects of College Drug use, I have been able to demonstrate that I can write a good academic paper. I was able to properly quote the sources that I used. However, I am still having problems with MLA citation. On the other paper about a rhetorical analysis on Christiano Ronaldo Nike Commercial: The Switch, I have shown my understanding about writing the rhetorical analysis papers. I have been able to highlight different approaches to rhetorical strategies such as logos, pathos, and ethos in the paper. Rhetorical Analysis The main aim of rhetorical analysis is to express or to eloquently present how the author writes instead of what they write about (Foss, 3). It can be done by analyzing the strategies that the author has used to achieve his or her objective for writing. This essay examines rhetorical analysis of the two papers that have been written by one Zaidi Zhang. The first paper is about the effects of drug use among college students. Zhang argues that majority of drug abuser are the college students aging between 18 and 24 years according to statics. In this particular paper the author has insightfully articulated the factors that lead the college students to abuse drugs, the effects of drug abuse among college students, and at the end the author urged everyone in the community to join hands in helping these students to turn away from the behavior. Throughout the paper Zhang used the three forms of rhetorical analysis which, include ethos, logos, and pathos. The second paper the author has written a good rhetorical analysis about Nike using Christiano Ronaldo to advertise their brands of products. The advertisement where Christiano has been featured is known as the Switch. In this second paper about the Switch is targeting sports men and women. Rhetorical Analysis of College Drug Use In this essay Zhang has mostly used official language, which demonstrates his ability to write proper and well researched academic paper. He has also used various statistics and researches to support his argument. For instance, to support his argument that college students aging between 18 and 24 are at a high risk of becoming addicted to drug abuse, the author has referred to a research by Amethyst Recovery Center (2017). Throughout the essay, Zhang has been able to refer to many sources to support his argument about the effects of drug abuse on college students. For example, in supporting his argument that drug addiction can lead to mental illness, the author has referred to the research that was conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction to drug can lead to alteration in the normal functioning of the brain. In further supporting his argument he has referred to various statics and o...
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