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Personal Narrative for Securing a Position as an Eye Clinic Manager

Essay Instructions:

But all Personal Statements basically want to know the same information

1. What do you want to do?
2. How did you find out that’s what you want to do?
3. How and Why are you prepared for your goal?
4. How does the program help you achieve your goals? OR How do your values and goals align with the corporation’s values and goals?
Your job for Paper 3 requires that you answer all 4 questions to the best of your abilities. Please note the following:
To answer question 1, you will need a stasis that discusses the common issues and needs of your chosen goal.
To answer question 2, you will need a personal narrative that discusses your first formed interests in your goal and how you have arrived to your current level of interest.
To answer question 3, you will need to rely on your resume to demonstrate how and why your professional/academic achievements have prepared you to achieve your goal. (check out paper 2)
To answer question 4, you will need to conduct research into either a) the particulars of an academic program or b) the particular vision/mission of the business.
• Particulars for academic program = Curriculum, research, common interests with faculty members, training opportunities that the program offers
• Particulars for professional career path = Business ideals, mission statements from official publications, News that has reported on the business’s developments or its corporate development
Paper 3, the hardest paper, requires that you attend to all 4 questions and fully answer them in a severely limited space. Luckily, Paper 3 only asks that you combine all of the skills you have learned so far into one publication. The trick, I think, will be the difficulty of combining everything in a short amount of time.
The paper cannot exceed 2 pages in length. It must be double spaced. -1 per HAW.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Statement
Institution Affiliation
Personal Statement
I am seeking to secure a challenging and rewarding position as a full-time manager in an eye clinic. This will enable me to utilize my skills in cross-selling glasses to patients, taking insurance for billings, and establishing a strong relationship between patients and staff. I have a wealth of knowledge that resonates well with this position, understanding that I have acquired from past experiences.
Growing up, I have seen perseverance showing growth not only in myself but also in those around me. I developed this value through close observation of my parent’s lives. My father, an entrepreneur dealing in marquees and large tents, at the time tried to set up his business. At the time, it became difficult to get loans from banks without collateral. I remember him coming home and telling me “the best things come to those who persevere." I then learned that he dealt with his struggles when I overheard his conversation with my mother. This is what makes me have a strong interest in being a full-time manager interest media first developed the interest to be a manager after seeing first-hand how my father was effective in his businesses, which he would oversee and manage. I wanted to be like him.
I am prepared for my goal with the skill sets I own and have acquired over time. These have prepared me adequately for the role and responsibilities I may be having in the future. I am qualified and have experience in billing insurances. Am also an enthusiastic, Highly passionate Dental Assistant with experiences in preparing patients, sterilizing instruments, setting up instrument trays, preparing the materials used in dental p...
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