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Foreign Policy Problems in the United States

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Foreign Policy Problems
Foreign policies refer to the strategies that are used by a country in regard to its diplomatic dealings with other countries it is important to note that these policies are developed and implemented as a systematic way of dealing with problems that arise with other countries. In almost all situations, the president has the primary responsibility for developing and shaping foreign approaches. Ordinarily, a country’s foreign policies are critical because they help in protecting both domestic and international interests and they can either be violent or nonviolent. Countries are also likely to reevaluate their foreign policies so that they can safeguard their resources and markets across the world. Most importantly, these strategies are also used in preserving and expanding a country’s power in other parts of the world. This paper will focus on examining deterrence and immigration as some of the major foreign policies problems being experienced in the United States today.
The first foreign policy problem in the United States revolves around denuclearization of North Korea. It is important to note that North Korea has been expanding its military capabilities through the production of a long-range missile and other nuclear weapons (McCurry, p.3). This has been mainly caused by the increasing tension between North Korea and other countries such as China. The aim of the United States, in this case, is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and other technological weapons through the Non-proliferation Treaty. The current diplomatic talks between the United States and North Korea has failed. North Korea accuses the United States of creating an atmosphere of hostility and mistrust, especially after the government convinced the United Nations to impose tough international sanctions after North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2017 (Ben Westcott, p.7). North Korea under the leadership of Kim Jong Un maintains that it will not denuclearize unless the United States removes threats.
Secondly, the United State has also been involved in international environmental issues. In 2015, China and the United States reached an agreement which was aimed at reducing the amount of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels and industries emitted into the atmospheres. At this time, both the two countries were the biggest emitters of these harmful gases where China released 10.4 billion tons which about 29 percent of global carbon dioxide emission and the United States produced 5.4 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide is about 15 percent of global release (Wood, p.5). The huge amount of pollutants were attributed to the growth of industries and many people also owned cars which contribute significantly to the increased pollution. The problem started when President Donald Trump declared that the United States would pull out of the deal and he had also vowed to increase the usage of coal which most. These environmental issues have created diplomatic problems, the United States is accusing China of increasing pollution stating that the United State will not invest in climate research since it is a waste of money. On the other side, China has accused the rich countries the United States for backsliding their pledges to help in preventing pollution and making donations to promote climate preservation (Clinch, p.3).
The problem between the United States and North Korea has persisted for years without a solution. Different presidents have applied several approaches including issuing threats, conducting military exercises, reducing diplomatic sanctions ...
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