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Offering Unauthorized Immigrants "A Path to Citizenship"

Essay Instructions:

Explain and defend your views on the following: Is there anything wrong in offering unauthorized immigrants "a path to citizenship"? Should children brought into a country illegally ever be deported? 

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The Issue of Citizenship
The question on providing a path to citizenship for the vast number of unauthorized immigrants has created debates in a majority of countries across Europe and the United States. Every year, thousands of immigrants travel thousands of miles searching for brighter futures. However, a significant proportion is not allowed entry into the countries they hope to join due to various reasons. As a result, they are forced to find alternatives or enter the country illegally since they cannot turn back to the problems that they forced them there. Consequently, such immigrants are forced to live in the shadows as they earn a living in the host country, fending for themselves and their families. They ultimately become significant contributors to the country's economy in the long run by working in different sectors. Therefore, unauthorized immigrants should be provided with legitimate ways of gaining citizenship provided that they add value to the country.
Countries such as the United States of America have the highest number of immigrants due to the perceived ‘American dream’ that they want to chase. Data shows that America has approximately 11 million unauthorized immigrants across the country (Peri and Zaiour). Such immense numbers would require a significant amount of taxpayer money to identify and deport. As a result, passing immigration reforms would be far much plausible in the long run to offer a solution to this problem. Such reforms would put in place tough measures that would enable unauthorized immigrants that work hard and prove to be valuable to the country to gain citizenship through a fair process. This is thus a feasible way of ensuring that such immigrants continue to live without fear and contribute to building their host country.
Children brought illegally into a country by their parents o...
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