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Why We Need Proposition 22. Keeping the Economy Alive.

Essay Instructions:

You will be given two short articles (located in the Questions), which express opposing viewpoints on the same topic. You will have 90 minutes to read the articles and write an essay on the same topic, using them as support.

This assignment asks you to respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

Use effective essay structure, with a brief introduction, middle or “body” paragraphs, and a brief conclusion paragraph.

In your essay, be sure to:

Include a thesis statement identifying your position on the topic. To develop your thesis, provide clear topic sentences/sub-claims/reasons throughout your essay.

Support your argument with direct evidence from the supporting text (the one you agree with), either as quoted or paraphrased material using in-text MLA citation. You can also cite personal experience, if applicable. Additionally, your evidence should be followed with close analysis/explanation of how the cited material supports your main argument.

Be sure to address and respond to a counter-argument in your essay. In the counter argument, you should incorporate evidence from the opposing text (the one you disagree with) and respond to the counter argument by either conceding or refuting the point.

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October 30, 2020
Why We Need Proposition 22
Understanding the importance of proposed legislation with the external circumstances surrounding it is essential for anyone. It allows them to have a clearer understanding of each bill's risks and advantages and make an informed decision about its practicality and applicability in society. In this article, I would like to focus on the controversial 'Proposition 22' in California. This bill, which proposes that drivers of Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash, be exempted from the Labor laws of the State, could have a varying impact on its drivers' lives depending on whether it is passed or not. Nonetheless, after carefully weighing the situation, I believe that Proposition 22 should be approved to keep both the drivers and the economy (particularly the gig economy) alive during this difficult period.
Keeping the Economy Alive
One of the main reasons why Proposition 22 should be passed is that it helps provide the drivers with flexible jobs during the pandemic. As stated earlier, this bill seeks to exempt the drivers from Californian labor laws, which means that they would keep their titles as "independent contractors" rather than employees. In turn, this allows the drivers to choose whenever and wherever they work since they have full liberty of determining their hours of work and how much they are wanting to earn by the end of the day CITATION THE20 \l 1033 (The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board). Although there are some arguments against this, saying that there is a possibility that drivers might wait for long hours without seeing a client, this does not mean that ...
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