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Critical synthesis: Snitching Saves Lives in Time of COVID

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Pick a side on wether students should snitch on each other in COVID times

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Professor Loomis
UWRT 150: Writing Seminar
Snitching Saves Lives in Time of COVID
The pandemic has taken the world by surprise when it rapidly infected people from all over the world. Because of this, normal lives, systems, and rules are bounded. People lessen outdoor activities, and errands, schools, works, and other crowded activities have also been limited. The sudden lifestyle change has made the world uncomfortably adjust to what is now called the "new normal". People now have less physical interactions with each other, daily activities have been reduced, and even industries have been affected by the pandemic. However, the lifestyle change could not limit the people from doing what they have been desiring to do ever since the pandemic. There are longing for physical interaction and public activities. An issue of students holding secret parties have been circulating because of their fellow students snitching on them. Because of that, it is being argued whether snitching on your fellow students in this time of pandemic is reasonable or is it too much of an action.
Late last year, 2019, a coronavirus broke out in the City of Wuhan in China. The virus made the neighboring cities and countries of China take preventive measures so as not to spread the virus further. However, at the beginning of the year 2020, cases of coronavirus infections were reported in different parts of the world (World Health Organization). The infection spread vastly and rapidly around the world that in March, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease infection as a pandemic (Ducharme). By the World Health Organization's definition, a pandemic is a health crisis that crosses international borders and is affecting a large number of people in different parts of the world (World Health Organization). This means that coronavirus disease infection has become a worldwide health issue wherein everyone is at risk of infection regardless of region or country.
The danger of this virus does not only lie in the fact that a vaccine has not been developed yet; a person infected with the virus can be asymptomatic. It means that even upon contracting the virus, a person may not show symptoms like dry cough, sore throat, or fever. Asymptomatic infected people have a higher chance of spreading the virus because they may not be aware of their infection. Infections happen through the eyes or droplets inhalation when in close contact with an infected person. That is why it is highly suggested to get tested for coronavirus disease, and self-quarantine if you come in contact with symptomatic (those that show symptoms) or positive persons (Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi). Also, health systems from all over the world have implemented health protocols to avoid and contain the infection. People are told to stay at home and avoid public spaces so as not to crowd a space. Social distancing and wearing of protective equipment like masks and PPEs are required to avoid contracting the virus. Because of the health protocols, ordinances, and new rules are being mandated in different parts of the world to keep the people from violating health protocols.
However, reports on violations of these new rules and health protocols are reported as well (Goergetown University; The Jakarta Post). Some of the reports say that people are violating protocols to acquire their necessities from other places. If not, the people either can't get themselves proper protective equipment when going out. Thus, violating health protocols. There are these excusable health protocol violators who have understandable circumstances for their actions. But some people violate the protocols for personal, and inexcusable reasons.
Parties Amid the Pandemic
Several reports of student parties are circulating amidst the reports on the coronavirus pandemic (Pidd; BBC News). Most of these students are teens and college students from all over the world. These students snick a private party in private houses or venues so as not to be caught by the authorities. In most cases, they hold the party at night time, wherein some countries have curfew hours. They also most likely have liquor consumption when there are liquor bans in some areas. From this point, we can see that student parties violate a lot of health protocols and rules for the pandemic (Svrluga). However, aside from the fact that these students are violating protocols, there is another issue within the issue. Because student parties are being reported, there is a question of who does the report. Reports of students snitching on each other about the parties held secretly are causing another issue among students and within campuses (Closson; The Guardian). Thus, a debate: is it right for students to snitch on each other in the time of pandemic? I would say yes. But let me get something straight first. Snitching, or telling on your friends or other people, is generally considered to be a bad attitude and that it wrecks relationships of people. However, considering the situation, and the number of people at risk because of the pandemic, snitching is rather a life-saving action. Let us go through the reasons why snitching is right in this time of the pandemic.
The Argument: Snitching Helps
Perhaps some of us are belittling the pandemic because we cannot see with our naked eyes who we are against in this crisis. We are told to make a social distance when outside in public areas so as not to be at risk of infection. But despi...
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