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Colonization in the Movies

Essay Instructions:

Discuss how the concept of “colonization” and “alien encounter” functions in Andrei

Tarkovsky’s Solaris.

How does the film complicate the dichotomy of human/alien, self/Other?

How does it juxtapose exploration of the universe with exploration of the human soul?

Refer to at least two scenes from the film to support your analysis.

you can find the clip on youtube. Type in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris. it's an old movie.

Please make sure your paper addresses the questions that have been asked. You

are expected to refer to relevant readings from the syllabus to substantiate your arguments. You

are also expected to express your views and engage critically with the articles/films. It is strongly

recommended that you mention specific scenes from the films in your discussion. Sources must

be cited correctly.

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Midterm Paper
Colonization has been illustrated in diverse ways in the film. The 60 alien monoliths vividly accelerate the evolution of human beings. In this perspective, the alien monolith liberates the first human beings from the flaccid state while assigning them power over their fortune and surroundings. Through the alien encounter, Moon-Watcher and his tribe as a whole achieve the brevity to face the leopard evident at night spent outside the cave. The Moon-Watcher are then transformed fully into active carnivores and hunters.
The alien monolith has assigned will to power to the tribe of Moon-Watcher and the bone tool-weapon to prove the power thereof. We see Moon-Watcher and the tribe killing the opponent alpha-male with their current weapon at the water-hole. The first man to touch the monolith, Moonwalker, was guaranteed to be the new leader. Additionally, he will also be supposed to consume uncooked meat gotten from the hunt.
Moon-Watcher is spotted walking around the water-hole the murder spot showcasing his freshly discovered self-confidence. Besides, similar to the chorus in a song, the launching shot in sequence two echoes the establishing shot in series one: this point of view is from the space facing the earth. However, the second establishing shot is not from an alien perspective since there is a human dimension of ship and space station in the earth's orbit. However, the alien monolith never resurfaces to the lunar prospect's time, whereby Dr. Floyd, along with his colleague scientists, pause for a group photo.
Alien encounter
At the beginning of the Andrei film, violence is evident at the start of the film. However, the violence arises from the meeting with the alien monolith and not out of the human will's display. The early humans, in sequence one, tend to own the choice to stay alive. Additionally, there are four occurrences whereby the alien encounter happens in the films; the enigmatic alien seems unaltered. Humans' experience seems to impose a minimal effect on the alien or observed by the alien as similar to almost no significance.
Reasonably, the alien encounter leads to patently rapid deviations from human personalities. For instance, in 29 sequences I, the monolith and humans' convention yield to Moon-Watcher55 getting the consumption of the bone-weapon with his kinfolks’ aptitude to grow prosperous and dynamic raiders as opposed to futile and inert rummagers.
However, the bone weapon allows the Moon-Watcher's ethnicity to commendably massacre the opposing tribe leader and own the water-hole, therefore guaranteeing the tribe's endurance. However, in sequence four, the entrance of David Bowman's precise arrival into the Jupiter monolith starts his astronomical voyage. The voyage is nervously exhibiting some violence basing on the corporeal burden. It is evident when Bowman shudders after his journey and eventually, Bowman's strange, enigmatic, and pugnaciously hasty revolution (56).
The alien experience's significance is overriding more, so the encounter symbolizes the alien/human dichotomy. We suppose Bowman arrives into the alien space when he mentally and physically enters the Jupiter monolith if monolith exemplifies the alien.
The alien/human dichotomy is well depicted in the traditionalist scientific chronicle of the era like Planet of Storms and This Island Earth. This Island Earth Film has, at no point, complicated the alien/human dichotomy. It creates an initially chaotic and apparent effort to thwart issues linked to the Planet of Storms' theoretical assumption. While the following film continues, its suppositions and exertions in this perspective are greatly unpersuasive.
All the two films, aliens and 25 beings, are disjointedly discordant creatures with either lack of yearning or a c...
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