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Who is Your Work Role Model?

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Who is Your Work Role Model?

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Who is Your Work Role Model?
A role model is a person who inspires you to follow their path. You try to imitate them in-to-out. A role model teaches you about truths, hardships, struggles, and success. Throughout my life, there has always been one person who has impacted me in more than one way. Through his love for family, diligence, and hard work, he has set an example for me to follow, and has proactively shaped me into the individual I am today. The emphasis he places on self-discipline and hard work is what drives me to become a better and improved version of myself. That person is living today, and I am proud to call him father.
My father, through his hard work, has demonstrated that nothing in life is unattainable. Everything he does, he considers it work and thus gives it his best. To him, work is any task that requires his attention and not necessarily that which involves him physically. Having this mindset and adopting his understanding of work has also helped me to regard some things seriously. Growing up in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, he lived in conditions that forced him to adopt a strong work ethic. As a young lad, my father labored in the fields, sowing seeds and collecting corn. At the same time, he had to go to school and get a formal education, which was not an easy task. Despite the difficulties he faced, he rose above by applying self-discipline and hard work to his work ethic, and at the end, he managed to graduate with first class honors in engineering. Even today, I observe how he steeps himself in his work. Every day, he rises from bed at five o’clock in the morning and heads to work, with the sole purpose of putting a roof over our heads and providing formal education for my siblings and me.
My father’s sustained hard work is what drives me to push on, even in the hardest of days. By observing his work ethic, I feel determined to study harder, to make sure my assignments are submitted on time, to rise in the morning and head to school, to be the best version of myself, and achieve that much-desired success. I have adopted my father’s work ethic as my own. Through it, I am determined to work harder and give my best...
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