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RIP Exercise 2: Fairy Tale Update-Cinderella Literature Essay

Essay Instructions:

In his historical overview of fairy tales, "Spells of Enchantment," Preview the document Jack Zipes makes a compelling argument that fairy tales reflect the concerns of the people who read and write them, specific to their time, place, and social and cultural context.

For example, compare the differences between the Grimm's "Aschenputtel" (p. 148), written in 19th-century Germany for a middle class audience against the backdrop of German nationalism, and the Sea Islands "Cinderella" (p. 153), which was recounted orally, in a distinct American English dialect, in the 1920s by former slaves living off the coast of South Carolina during the Jim Crow era. The plots are quite similar, but the details show very different realities of human experience, and as a result, the tales reflect different social concerns and cultural values--in other words, context.

Choose one of this week's Cinderella or Catskin tales as a model, and rewrite it to reflect a 21st-century social or cultural issue. You can draw on recent news or a present-day experience (yours or someone else's), or a current debate of some kind. The issue can be anything, as long as it's something that worries people living today.

-Feel free to add or invent any details you like, as long as your version of the tale is still recognizable as your chosen Cinderella or Catskin tale.

-Think about how your chosen issue might change the original tale's primary message, purpose, and the intended audience response.

-Pay special attention to the tone you convey, and how you use or change (subvert) the conventions of your model fairy tale.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
RIP Exercise 2: Fairy Tale Update-Cinderella
One upon a time, Cinderella was at home and having being out of work for one week, she decided to clean the kitchen floor, now that she had moved to live temporarily with her stepmother, but she accidentally slipped on the wet floor and fainted . Once she regained her senses, the kitchen appeared different, and she wondered whether she was dreaming, the dishwasher, dryer, cooker, fridge, and, microwave and she muttered, “I wonder how easy it will be will all the gadgets in the kitchen”. No sooner had said these words, than her step mother appeared in the kitchen, and subsequently ordered her to prepare supper for the family.
However, once the stepmother stepped out, she remembered she needed to order fast food hat would be picked up by her friend, and she called the pizza service, and took advantage of the chance she had to make her own orders. The next day, the prince sent an email to the stepmother inviting all her daughters to a ball at-like party in the town’s biggest casino. Cinderella happened to overhear her stepmother talking to her daughters about the ball, and decided on her own to go albeit reluctantly and would be discreet about this. While Cinderella had previously talked to the price she was skeptical about her chances and still wanted the chance to choose and connect with someone she could relate with.
Even before Cinde...
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