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Ethical Principles And The New Technology

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In the modern society, development and improvement of technology is evident in every aspect of human life from the genetic technology to the use of surveillance technology. However the new technology has raised concern in the modern society whether some of the motivations of human beings will exploit the technology in the most convenient manner, culturally, environmentally and socially. Examples of some of the technological advances are human cloning, genetic modified food and surveillance technology. Therefore, People are advised to apply technology in reasonable options without considering some of the potential effects. Peter Singer in his article the “Visible Man” and ‘Ethics in a world without secrets” the author focuses on the issues of transparency and personal privacy. Singer elaborates that in the modern society, there are changes in technology surveillance and some of the changes have affected the government and the society. In contrast Dalai Lama argues people should expertise all the ethical standards that can direct them to elaborate decisions especially when technology becomes a major aspect of life. He tries to find out some of the effects of technology on the culture and society. People should apply ethical principles especially with the new technology. They also have the responsibility to prevent misuse of technology in all aspects of human life and for the well being of the society. Technology and science should not influence the culture human beings
Human beings are not following the ethical standards and principles with the introduction if the new technology. Peter singer says that “ The scale and technological sophistication of data gathering enterprises aloe the government to intercept and store information than was possible for secret police of even the worst totalitarian states of an earlier era, and the ;large number of people who have been able to access sensitive information increases the potential for misuse (Peter 32).” When technology intersects with life, people need to practice ethical principles. On the other Hand Dalai Lama analyses how the speedy increase in human knowledge and technological developments has resulted to the development of genetic science that has made it impossible for ethical thinking in society. He says “Even when the parents think they are selecting traits that will positively affect their child, we need to consider whether it is being out of the positive intervention or on the basis of a particular society’s prejudices at a particular time” (Lama 66) For example the definitions of diseases are adjusting as illnesses are found to be genetically predisposed to people and animals from their conception. It is believed that there are particular genetic disorders that are observed in the embryo and they may give rise to disease in the childhood or adulthood stage. Moreover, diet, lifestyle and other environmental aspects are considered too. Parents will be able to have prenatal screening and produce babies with their desired characteristics. The connection that exists between the quotes of Singer and Dalai Lama is the interconnection between technology and bioethics. Development of genetics means there is a certain level of international business in this field and it is ethically questionable. However, even though the technology positive effects, human beings have misused it. Peter Singer and Dalai Lama explain how human beings have misused the new technology.
Misuse of technology is evident in the society through different practices of mankind. Singer stipulates that ‘ The crucial stepping in preventing responsive government from misusing information is to have an alert and well informed citizens with a strong sense of what is right and wrong , those citizens who work to keep the government democratic open, just and under the rule of law (Singer 32).” Transparency is very important in all the levels of the government as well knowledge and power, a high sense of moral responsibility among human beings. Scientific progress in the past years has surpassed the ethical responsibility of society through ...
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