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Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio and Death of the Woman Wang

Essay Instructions:

1. prompt is open-ended, topic is writer's choice

2. to write about something that interests you about any one or more of the stories we’ve read thus far in Pu Songling’s Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, and to use Jonathan Spence’s Death of the Woman Wang as a point of comparison and context

3. outside research if you’d like, but don’t have to

4. limit quotations and citations to the assigned texts, but be sure to quote directly and read closely

5. don’t dwell at the level of generality, go deep, get specific

6. make reference to King Hu’s film “Painted Skin” if you’d like

7. basically write about whatever interests you so long it’s in the course of interpreting very closely a particular story (or more) from assigned text(s)

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Strange Stories
Just like other big countries of the world, China is where there is no short of superstitions, popular beliefs, and customs. In fact, people here are more conservative and superstitious about certain things than any other community or religion. They have their own merits and demerits and want to live their lives according to what they believe is true and authentic. In today’s competitive and fast-paced environment, it may not be possible for anyone to believe in China’s theories about death and life. The country has strengthened its economy and joined the race of most developed states, but the locals are still following the main superstitions, which make us think that China has a short of educated and open-minded people.
Drinking Vinegar to Live Long
Both in China and Japan, it is believed that vinegar should be drunk on a regular basis since it guarantees a healthy and long life. Apple cider vinegar is excessively used in different parts of the country. The Chinese claim that it strengthens the bones increases the volume of hair, reduces the cholesterol level in the body, improves the symptoms of diabetes and high blood pressure, and helps shed an extra pound. However, it is nothing more than a belief since the excessive use of vinegar is bad for humans. Healthcare experts have now proved that too much consumption of apple cider vinegar can disturb the digestive and blood circulatory systems to an extent.
Hitting Someone with a Broom
A broom is used to clean the house and is one of the most significant cleaning tools nowadays. In China, a large number of people think that if someone hits his friend, sibling or another person using a broom, he will have to suffer throughout his life and may end up falling seriously ill. Does it make sense to you? It must not because there are many people who make fun with friends while using a broom. They may hit each other using this cleaning tool, and this does not mean they will all have a bad luck. For the world, it is nothing more than a fake story, but for Chinese, it is as true as one’s own existence.
Superstitious Belief of a Tooth and Snow
Across the country, a large number of people believe that if someone sees a tooth or snow in his dreams, he is likely to lose his parents in the coming months. Well, there is no such thing in the world because we cannot have a full control over our dreams. Experts indicate that a person’s dreams depend on what’s going on in his mind throughout the day. If he had been into controversies or had a lot of work to do, the chance is that he would see a bad dream, but this does not mean he or his family members are going to suffer in the future.
No Showering on Chinese New Year's Eve
New Year Evening is when people decorate their houses, wear new clothes, take a shower and enjoy time with their friends and family. However, in China, showering is prohibited on New Year’s Eve. The locals think that it is a back luck to wash the hair or have a shower, which means if you are in China on the New Year Eve, you will not be allowed to go to the bathroom. Apparently, all villagers and some communities of educated people believe that if they would take a shower on China’s New Year Eve, they might have to suffer from a health complication. I once got a chance to visit China and made new friends there. They told me that going to the gym, washing the hair or taking a shower was considered a crime on New Year's Eve. They encouraged me to skip all these things in order to have a healthy and prosperous life.
Do Not Clean the House When There is Snowfall
Prior to the snowfall, Chinese collect their cleaning tools and throw them out of the house. They are of the view that cleaning the house when there is a snowfall is dangerous for the entire family. It means they allow more and more germs and dirt particles to enter their houses and to interfere with their lives. In recent years, well-educated and professional people across China have changed their minds regarding this phenomenon. However, it is still believed to be true in the backward areas and villages of the country.
Strange Stories of China in Two Texts
Death is an inevitable reality, but various Chinese think that they can stay alive for more than their actual lifespan due to supernatural powers. Presented by Pu Songling, Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is a huge collection of classical Chinese tales. All of these marvel stories are told in the chuanqi and zhiguai styles. The first edition was published in 1740, and the book contains over 450 stories, adapted for television series and movies in a large number. In Chinese folklore, there is no distinction between a spirit and ghost, and both of them are said to be the most powerful entities. People think that they can change their physical appearance with the help of ghosts and demons. They have no rules to follow and can do anything, anytime. Pu Songling used the term “supernatural” (Pu &...
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