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Compare and Contrast “Two Friends” and “Cranes” Literature Essay

Essay Instructions:

Compare and Contrast Essay

Directions: In "Two Friends,” Maupassant portrays two friends surviving in their home city during wartime and the importance that friendship has to maintaining their survival. In “Cranes,” Sunwon portrays two childhood friends on ideological different sides of a war, forced to confront their past in order to decide their future. Write a compare and contrast essay where you analyze and compare the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes.”

Prompt: Based on their short stories, do Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon have basically similar or different outlooks on friendship? Why? Compare and contrast the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes.”


1. Length: 2 pages minimum

2. Font: Times New Roman

3. Font size: 12

4. Margins: 1” all around

5. Spacing: Double Spaced

6. Heading: Upper left hand corner (double spaced)

First & Last Name:

Teacher’s Name:

Period or Class Title: Period 6

Due Date: October , 2018

Directions: Complete the following steps in order to complete the assignment

1. Decide whether or not you believe Maupassant and Sunwon agree or disagree

2. Brainstorm to support your belief

3. Setup your framework: Thesis and three topic sentences

4. Write Body #1: Discuss “Two Friends”

5. Write Body #2: Discuss “Cranes”

6. Write Body #3: Argue whether the authors agree or disagree

7. Write conclusion

8. Fill out Essay Organizer

9. Revise and type

Decide whether the authors basically agree or disagree

1.Answer The question below.

Based on their short stories, do Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon have similar or different outlooks on friendship?

1. Brainstorm

Directions: Fill out the graphic organizer below with as much information as you can. Consider aspects such as, setting, plot, characters, the background of the authors, and especially theme. When filling out Box #3, choose to list either reasons why the authors agree or disagree.

“Guy De Maupassant” Box #1

“Cranes” Box #2

Agree or Disagree Box #3

1. Setting is France

2. Ending is Ironic

1. Setting is Korea

1. Basically agree because both stress the destruction caused by war.

2. Setup Framework

Directions: Write your thesis by ANSWERING THE PROMPT. Write your topic sentences by using your brainstorm to help you.

1. Write your thesis: (answer the prompt in one sentence)

Prompt: Based on their short stories, do Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon have a similar or different outlook on friendship? Why? Compare and contrast the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes.”

Ex. Based on their short stories Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon seem to share the belief that friendship transcends the destructive nature of society, ultimately allowing people to reclaim their humanity.

· Based on their short stories, Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon basically agree/disagree concerning their outlook on friendship because…

· After analyzing the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes,” it is most likely that Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon basically disagree/agree concerning their outlook on friendship because…

· A close look at the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes” suggests that Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon fundamentally agree/disagree about friendship due to…

2. Write your three topic sentences. Each box in your graphic organizer should represent one paragraph. Your topic sentences should focus on: (1) The main theme of “Two Friends” (2) The main theme of “Cranes” (3) Arguing whether the authors basically agree or disagree


Topic 1: From “Two Friends,” the reader is introduced to the scenario where the two main characters connect and lament about the effects of war on their lives.

Topic 2: Hwang Sunwon’s “Cranes” illustrates how though war can cause great emotional devastation, strong bonds can overcome even the harshest of these conditions.

Topic 3: By analyzing the resolutions of each of the two stories, it is likely that Sunwon and Maupassant have two very different outlooks on war.

· In “Two Friends,” Guy De Maupassant sends a message that…

· Guy De Maupassant’s “Two Friends” is a story where we can see that…

· After reading “Two Friends,” the reader is confronted with the idea that…

Topic # 1:

· In “Cranes,” Hwang Sunwon sends a message that…

· Hwang Sunwon’s “Cranes” is a story where we can see that…

· After reading “Cranes,” the reader is confronted with the idea that…

Topic # 2:

· Based on the themes of the stories, it is likely that the authors agree/disagree due to…

· From the events of the stories, one might conclude that the authors generally have a similar/contrasting outlook on friendship.

Topic # 3:

4. Body Paragraph #1

Directions: Now that you have a framework for you essay, begin writing Body Paragraph #1. Remember, you have already brainstormed in your graphic organizer in box #1 and you have already completed your topic sentence. Complete this step in your essay organizer.

Possible sentence starters to discuss “Two Friends”:

· The turning point in “Two Friends” is when…

· This event indicates that Maupassant believes that…

· One possible reason why Maupassant includes ______________ is to suggest that…

5. Body Paragraph #2

Directions: Now, begin writing Body Paragraph #2. Remember, you have already brainstormed in your graphic organizer in box #2 and you have already completed your topic sentence. Complete this step in your essay organizer.

Possible sentence starters to discuss “Cranes”:

· The turning point in “Cranes” is when…

· This event indicates that Sunwon believes that…

· One possible reason why Sunwon includes ______________ is to suggest that…

6. Body Paragraph #3

Directions: Now, begin writing Body Paragraph #3. Remember, you have already brainstormed in your graphic organizer in box #3 and you have already completed your topic sentence. Complete this step in your essay organizer.

Possible sentence starters to support your argument:


· The contrast can be seen from…

· While Maupassant suggests that ____________, Sunwon suggests that…

· Their opinions differ in that…


· The similarities can be seen from…

· Both Maupassant and Sunwon suggest that…

· Their opinions are similar in that…

7. Write your intro using ANT

Directions: Now that you have your framework complete and have completed your body paragraphs, it is time to write your intro, to provide background for the stories. Follow the steps ANT (Attention grabber, Necessary information, Thesis) to complete your intro.

1. Opening sentence/ Attention grabber (one sentence)

Ex. Throughout history, war has proven to be one of mankind’s most destructive vices.

2. Necessary Information (4 – 6 sentences) – Provide the author’s full name, introduce the names of the stories, and provide a brief summary for both “Two Friends” and “Cranes.”

Ex. “Two Friends,” by Guy De Maupassant, is a story about two French fishing buddies living in Paris during the Franco-Prussian War. Despite the dangers, the two friends decide to go fishing once more only to be captured by Prussian soldiers. When each man is given the option to survive if he betrays his city and his friend, both remain silent and are ultimately executed. “Cranes,” By Hwang Sunwon, is a story about two friends on opposing sides of the Korean War. The protagonist, Songsam, is caught in an internal conflict when he captures his childhood friend, Tokchae. Ultimately, Songsam’s childhood memories lead him to free Tokchae, saving him from being executed.

· Guy De Maupassant’s “Two Friends,” is a story about…

· “Cranes,” by Hwang Sunwon, is a story about…

3. Write your thesis (you should have already completed this in your framework).

8. Write your conclusion

Directions: Now that you have finished the first four paragraphs of your essay, it is time to begin your conclusion. Your conclusion should restate your thesis, restate your main points, and provide a clincher.

1. Restate your thesis (one sentence):

Ex. The events of “Cranes” and “Two Friends” suggest that the authors ultimately disagree concerning their outlook on friendship

· Based on their short stories, Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon basically agree/disagree concerning their outlook on friendship because…

· After analyzing the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes,” it is most likely that Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon basically disagree/agree concerning their outlook on friendship because…

· A close look at the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes” suggests that Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon fundamentally agree/disagree about friendship due to…

2. Restate your main points/topic sentences (three sentences):

· In “Two Friends,” Guy De Maupassant sends a message that…

· Guy De Maupassant’s “Two Friends” is a story where we can see that…

· After reading “Two Friends,” the reader is confronted with the idea that…

· In “Cranes,” Hwang Sunwon sends a message that…

· Hwang Sunwon’s “Cranes” is a story where we can see that…

· After reading “Cranes,” the reader is confronted with the idea that…


· The contrast can be seen from…

· While Maupassant suggests that ____________, Sunwon suggests that…

· Their opinions differ in that…


· The similarities can be seen from…

· Both Maupassant and Sunwon suggest that…

· Their opinions are similar in that…

Restate Topic 1:

Restate Topic 2:

Restate Topic 3:

3. Provide a clincher (identify a lesson that the audience might learn)

Ex. We would all be wise to consider the pain and destruction that war causes before resorting to violence to settle our difference.

· Perhaps it would be a good idea to…

· Hopefully, people will learn to…

· We would all be wise to consider…

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Compare and Contrast “Two Friends” and “Cranes”
Friendship is a major theme in Guy de Maupassant's ''Two Friends,'' and Hwang Sunwon’s “Cranes.” These four main characters in both stories have been friends for many years ago those were happier times. However, now, friends from both stories are trying to continue with their friendship based on activities they shared when they were young (fishing and tying cranes) even though they are in the middle of a war. A close look at the themes of “Two Friends” and “Cranes” suggests that Guy De Maupassant and Hwang Sunwon fundamentally agree about friendship because they emphasis on showing that true friendship could overcome all barriers.
From Maupassant's “Two Friends,” we learn that real friends stay loyal to one another even at death. The narrator explains that Monsieur Sauvage and Monsieur Morissot meet while fishing on Sundays, enjoyed pastime, exchanged a few words between them, and fell into a comfortable friendship with one another. Regrettably, these friends have not met for a while because of the war. However, they can now connect and lament how the war has affected their lives. They remain great friends and their desire to maintain it and spend quality time together is what sends them out of the city (Maupassant, “Two Friends”). They tried to build each other up through moments of despair. They show that true friends stay loyal to one another even at the face of death by sticking together until the end. Sauvage and Morissot bid a farewell to each other as their last words to show that Maupassant’s perspective of friendship is staying loyal to each other no matter the hardship.
Hwang Sunwon’s “Cranes” narrates to show how war can cause significant emotional devastat...
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