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Literature & Language
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Midterm Portfolio: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

midtern portfolio, all your work. Reflective Essay on your porfolio, Our development and journey.

When I first stated this class I thought...

I used to read...but now I ...(process)

I have been experimenting by..

I enjoy...

In the second half of the semester I need to...

I want to be able to...

some missteps i have made...

Maybe mention the readings, quote from your own work, free writing versus formal writing

My writing ability is not good, and I was very scared when I first started this class. Can you write according to this idea

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Midterm Portfolio
Not everyone enjoys writing assignments. Some are good at telling stories, and others can write and deliver stories that will be enjoyed long after they are gone. However, everyone starts somewhere, and for many, the process is usually slow and painful. I belong in the latter group that struggled and took the time to grow into the writer I am today. I am currently a work in progress, but I have made some strides that encourage me to keep working. But, as I was being encouraged to keep working, I remember hating every second of it. I threw tantrums, delivered assignments late, and at times found reasons not to deliver assignments. These were part of my plan not to practice writing. However, the assignments kept coming, and I knew I had to find ways to either grow or find ways to convince my parents to allow me to drop out of school. Well, the latter is simply impossible, so I had to struggle and learn how to write.
When I started this class, I was scared. Well, this was simply a continuation of what had been happening all my life. I knew that my writing ability was not good enough, therefore, I was scared of the failure to follow. My attitude was not encouraging, either. At the back of my mind, I was giving writing another shot. But, no one prepared for what was to come. Well, things got more challenging but interesting.
The first assignment had us talking about language and our experiences with language as we were growing up. Well, on the surface, this assignment seems boring and one that will force one to take a peek down memory lane. When I started it, my attitude was flawed, and I never gave it that much thought. However, midway through the assignment, I started remembering things in my past that shaped my language. I remembered how my parent’s accents influenced me and made me a victim at school. However, my experiences with language at a young age influenced my decisions later in life. I decided to pursue languages because I desired to understand more about language. I wanted to know more than it being a channel or means of communication. I wanted to comprehend its essence and role in my life at a deeper level.
To learn the language or appreciate its role in our lives, we must learn how to read stories and pick out the authors’ message. The next assignm...
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