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Analysis of the Analects and The Book of Songs: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is a midterm paper for a Chinese literature class.

The two main textbooks that this midterm paper requires are The Analects & The Book of Songs. (When you are writing the essay, you have to use the textbook that is uploaded below!! Because professor is checking quotes and citation with these two e-version books he gave us.)


●6 pages (double-spaced);

●With a title and a citation page; (you need to come up with a title, a specific prompt and a citation page)


●It will not be a summary, but about YOU and your opinion about The Analects & The Book of Songs.


In the file, I have uploaded the textbooks for The Analects & The Book of Songs

(1) The Analects -> is a single pdf file

(2) For The Book of Songs --> it is quite complicated on how to located the poems.

****Notes For how to access The Book of Songs and find the poems:

There are three documents that are uploaded :

1) the required readings from The Book of Songs;

2) an older version of The Book of Songs in digital format, and

3) an index to help you locate the required readings in the digital version.

---> How to use the index:

The numbers on the column all refer to poem order (NOT the page number).

The column of Mao” is for the latest version; the column of “My number” is for the uploaded/older version. For example, on the required reading list, you will find that #1 “The Ospreys Cry” on the latest version is numbered as #87 in the uploaded digital version.

******You must use the version I have uploaded because last time I used different version and get a zero. Thank you for your understanding!

--> In the uploaded file, I have also uploaded our weekly class disccussion summary just for reference, cuz our TA says it might help for creating prompts and making connections.

The class disccussion is from Week 2 to Week 8.

Thank you so much!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of the Analects and The Book of Songs
The world's greatest ancient thinkers wrote the analects, which is the basis of the Chinese and the East Asian intellectual thought. It is a collection of Confucius' concepts and teachings that his disciples later rectified. These teachings have proven to be the greatest quotes of all time, not only in China and Asia but globally. Arguably, half of the teachings and concepts are enough to rule and guide a nation to a moral path. The Analects aimed at education newer generations. The presence of a hierarchical society with rigid class structure, self-cultivating benevolence and the eternal search for wisdom is the central themes throughout the book.
On the other hand, The Book of Songs presents a collection of ancient Chinese poetry often ranked as among the first Confucianism classics. It encompasses 305 pomes that date back to the Western Zhou Dynasty until the middle of the periods of spring and autumn. The book is categorized into three major parts; the custom, the elegance and the ode. The primary function of the book at the time was to educate people about personal and societal etiquette. Ancient Chinese teachings were all aligned towards positive personal development, ability to manage a family, and state governance. All these teachings were shaped towards respecting Heaven, speaking with respect about Heaven, serving Heaven, revering Heaven, and following heavenly laws. This essay is an analysis of the two books, the Analects and The Book of Songs and how the two books contributed to shaping the morals in China.
The two books emphasize the importance of respect to self, others, the state and to the Gods. Respect is paramount in ensuring that peace and unity prevail hence achieving a morally upright society. In The Analects, we see that respect is cultivated from when a person is young an by the time he is grown; he will keep up on the respectful track. "The gentleman devotes his efforts to the roots, for once the roots are established, the Way will grow therefrom. Being good as a son and obedient as a young man is, perhaps, the root of a man's character" (Lau I:2). This indicates that the Confucius teachings believed in naturing respect from childhood. Many rewards come with a society that upholds respects. Confucius believed that respect ensures peace across societal hierarchies. The Book of Songs emphasizes on the same respect too. Brothers begin exercising respect by respecting themselves and ensuring that they uphold peace. "The chief duty of the gentleman is to be dignified 1 and so inspire respect in the common people" (Waley, 293). Till today, respect is very paramount, although people have lost the values of the ancient teachings on the importance of respect.
The Analects prescribes a society where the order and structure. The hierarchical difference that separated one class from another enhanced the morals that were deeply rooted in the minds of Chinese. Confucius began his teachings at a time when China was at a continuous war because of political instability. Sadly, Confucius never lived to see and enjoy the prevailing peace that came because of the teachings found in The Analects. According to Confucius, the hierarchical acknowledgement was the only way to attain peace among the Chinese at the time. He developed a unique argument about ending the war by having elaborate hierarchies. A society with an elaborate hierarchical responsibility ensures that everyone concentrates on his duty hence giving the ruler the chance to shift his attention to external threats.
Confucius build his teachings along with three hierarchical levels, the relationship between a ruler and his servant, husband and wife and between brothers. China's social system was pyramidal with an authoritative monarch on top. Second in the pyramid were the governors, aristocrats and the rest of the royal family who assisted in governing the nation. In comparison, the rest of the people were considered peasants. This Way, the master was the sole decision-maker because of the monarch system while the rest, including the rich, were peasants. The master had the mandate to order execution and that was final order (Lau, XII:1).
Hierarchy also exists in the family set up. The ancient Chinese society acknowledged the father as the leader of the family unit and had the power to make decisions that affect the family tree. Upon the dea...
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