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English: Going to Mars

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay of 1–2 pages in which you respond to one of these prompts:

Descriptive: Describe the street where you live. What does your house look like from the road? Are there other houses nearby? What would a person see if he or she were standing in front of your home? What would he or she hear, smell, and feel?

Narrative: Write about a time when you achieved a goal or accomplished something you set out to do. What happened? Who was involved? How did you feel about your achievement? Remember to establish a narrative point of view, to incorporate sensory details, to employ language that shows and tells, and to use dialogue.

Persuasive/Argument: Thanks to advances in technology, a manned mission to Mars in the next 50 years is increasingly likely. However, such a mission would come with a massive price tag and a great deal of risk for those who undertake the journey to the red planet. Is putting a person on Mars a worthwhile goal to pursue? Why or why not?

Expository: Explain the steps that a young person must take to be granted a driver’s license. Be sure to include important details about each step, including the challenges that a person will face along the way and how to overcome them effectively.

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Going to Mars
Typically, going to a different place involves a great sense of adventure and expectations. For millennia, humans have had unlimited expectations about exotic places in distant lands. To people been to a foreign place, stories are endless – just as listening to such stories is inspiring whether listeners choose to actually go somewhere else or, inspired enough, come up with something completely radical. Indeed, going to some foreign place has captured human minds for millennia. Yet, of all places outer space remains an ultimate experience humans, ancient and modern, cannot escape. Today, space travel is already a reality. From as far back as 1960s, several space missions have gone to space and came back with countless insights and ideas for humanity in many fields. In recent years, going to Mars appears to be increasingly possible. Thanks to unprecedented advances in technology, manned missions to Mars are no longer contemplated as mere sci-fi yet as a reality within reach. Yet, as in all earlier space missions, going to Mars is not without critics. If anything, argue critics, why would so much money be wasted in space without any foreseeable returns when Planet Earth has already countless challenges? This is a fairly old argument yet, amazingly, still have supporters not fully aware of how important going to Mars – and, for that matter, outer space in general – is. This short essay is, accordingly, about why humans need to send a manned mission to Mars – despite of, or perhaps because of, all criticism.
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