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Context Setting and Reflective Essay: Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Read and annotate as you read

Research the specific meaning of chapter title (8)

Free write reflecting on the title you have chosen. You may have to do some research. How does the title of the chapter connect to the chapter?

Skim through your the play A Raisin and the Sun, your annotations and excerpts. Be prepared to discuss issues of justice in the play.

Construct your slide based on the first third of the book

We are working on Just Mercy, but I also want to make connections between A Raisin in the Sun and Just Mercy. I think we still have more to say about A Raisin in the Sun and think we can spend a bit of time finishing up our work with the play

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Context Setting and Reflective Essay
The title of chapter 8 is All God’s Children. In this chapter, Stevenson shares the stories of several children who were prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison. The stories of Antonio Nunez, Trina Garnett, and Ian Manuel help shed light on a system that does not consider the age of the accused and the circumstances that surrounded their arrest and sentencing.
The title of this chapter is apt in that it helps to send the message that we are all equal and of the same race: human. We all suffer, lack, get angry, and do over a hundred more things that tie us together as people. Reading the victims’ stories in this chapter, one empathizes with them because they lost their lives because of mistakes or misrepresentation. Also, one cannot fail to notice that they are victims of their circumstances. For example, Trina grew up poor and with an abusive father. Like her mother, she was sexually abused by her father and did not have a home for years. The crime she committed was as a result of these circumstances. Ian was charged with armed robbery and attempted murder and was sentenced to life at thirteen years. At thirteen years, the young boy was placed in solitary confinement. While reading his story, one cannot help but tie it to Trina’s as well. Like Trina, Ian was a victim of circumstances because, as Debbie Baigre explained to the court, he did not have support or supervision as a kid. The lack of parental figures had acted against the young man, and eventually, he made a mistake. Antonio also suffered the same fate as Trina and Ian and all because of his circumstances. A turbulent home life and neighborhood,...
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