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2 pages/≈550 words
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Method Approach and Power Posing to Build Authoritative Performance

Essay Instructions:

2.Use 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right); note that MS Word is auto-set to 1.25” margins
3.Name, date, person ID number, and name of assignment in top left corner, SINGLE-SPACED.
4.Use ONLY 12-point, Times New Roman font, DOUBLE-SPACED (it's easier for us to make notes when it's double-spaced).
5.No less than two pages, and preferably no more than four (though if you find you have a lot to say, you can write more).
6.A logical conceptual flow.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Power Posing
In high school, we had the interclass games competition where the winning class was to win a trophy, and the team gets a scholarship in 12 grade. My class had never won or even got close to the semifinals and being our second last year in high school; we were all eager to win especially the basketball team. Three players of the school basketball team were from my class where I was among them, and the eyes of our classmates were on us. We felt the pressure, not trained for this event had finally begun to catch up with us. We were not so sure how we were going to make it through to the semifinals leave alone the finals because the teams that qualify for the semifinals get a trophy. I was the captain of the school basketball team, and I felt the pressure more than the other players. Out of desperation, something struck me, and I decided to try a little experiment: I took the wonder woman-style position (hands on my hips, raised chin, chest out and a wide stance). We did this before any match we were to play. Personally, the pressure was gone and felt lighter and motivated to give my best as I always did during interschool competitions. We won all the matches, and before we knew it, we were in the finals with the 12 graders.
This did not stop after the competition; I always find myself doing the same thing I did during our high school interclass competition not only in games but also before any event. I did not know why I performed well after this exercise until recently when we discussed power posing in class. Power posing influences our confidence and body hormones (Carney, Amy, and Andy). Therefore, power posing produces significant and immediate changes to ...
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