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Analysis Of The World Is Too Much With Us By Wordsworth

Essay Instructions:

analyze how the author used the sonnet form and other conventions of poetry to enhance

and deliver the theme. Obviously, thesis will mention both the techniques and the theme as you see it.

Refer to the poetry terms but DO NOT consult any other outside sources for their interpretation

of the poem. break it down into its parts and figure out what is making it “tick,”

what adds layers to its complexity, what outward and seemingly “accidental” touches

(which we realize aren't) reinforce meaning. Obviously, to do this, you must refer directly

to the text of the poem, quoting lines and phrases as examples.

AVOID simply paraphrasing the poem. While poetic language can be a bit puzzling

and so lend itself to “translation,” that is not analysis. Instead, you must show what

the author is doing to get to that meaning. three samples are attached.

Format :

paper must be one page long, typed, double-spaced in twelve point font. As this is an upper-level

lit class, professor expects literary papers to conform to MLA format.

That means: no title pages, a title that reflects the thesis of the paper (not the title of the poem),

one inch margins all around, proper heading, and page number with header.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Severed Ties
Humans have the deep rooted, and unending thirst for growth and progress. Each one of us has a profound need to conquer and create new territories at the expense of small and seemingly insignificant collateral damages- one of which is nature. "The World is Too Much for Us" is a simple- worded, yet powerful sonnet that calls out the mindless treatment and abuse of people to nature.
The world is too much for us; late and soon
Getting and spending, we lay waste our power; -
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts way, a sordid boon!
The poem opened with first four lines that delivers a powerful message: "the world is too much for the whole humanity to comprehend and appreciate". It presents human's apathetic treatment to nature as it aims for industrialization and advancements in technology. How humans mi...
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