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Leadership Evaluation: Different Strategies And Approaches

Essay Instructions:

2. Use 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right); note that MS Word is auto-set to 1.25” margins
3. Name, date, person ID number, and name of assignment in top left corner, SINGLE-SPACED.
4. Use ONLY 12-point, Times New Roman font, DOUBLE-SPACED (it's easier for us to make notes when it's double-spaced).
5. No less than two pages, and preferably no more than four (though if you find you have a lot to say, you can write more).
6. A logical conceptual flow.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Leadership Evaluation
Leadership evaluation is the process that makes use of tests to evaluate the leadership potential and management strengths of an individual. There are different strategies and approaches which may be used in evaluating the one’s leadership strengths and weaknesses. Leadership evaluation helps in evaluating the effectiveness of someone holding a leadership position.
I am a member of my school’s men football team. Normally, the team participates in a competition organized in the college and sometimes engages in competitive games held outside the collage. The players are categorized into two; the seniors and juniors. Players who have been in the team for more than two years are categorized into the senior category while the rest are regarded as the juniors. The importance of categorizing players into their level of experience in the team is that players with less experience learn from those stayed in the team long enough.
The team is made up of twenty to twenty-five players who are headed by a head coach and is assisted by one assistant coach. The players are required to elect a captain and an assistant captain to represent the other players in the management of the teamCITATION Kat10 \p "Katherine Ely, pp.585-599" \n \y \t \l 1033 (Katherine Ely, pp.585-599). The players eligible for occupying these positions must be in the seniors’ category. I am the team’s assistant captain, and I represent the team when the captain is unavailable and solve conflicts among the team members. Also, I lead the team during training which is held in the evening after classes and on weekends. The role of the coaches includes; training the players, leading the players during major tournaments and representing the team in the school’s management.
In communicating the hi...
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