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How Love Leads to Chaos In "Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen

Essay Instructions:

Write a clearly written and clearly organized essay in proper expository essay form that discusses how Mansfield Park by Jane Austen suggests that love often leads to chaos.
- Have a strong thesis statement
-Write in third person
-Stay in the present tense
-Use quotes and explain how it connects to thesis statement
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discuss how Mansfield Park by Jane Austen suggests that love often leads to chaos
Love is a complex thing that cannot be explained. The people in love often see different qualities from what other people see in the people they have fallen in love with. This state could best explain the famous quote that love is blind. The same people in love often regret and wonder what they saw in the people they loved after a break-up. Unfortunate situations happen when one party is in love and pursuing another who does reciprocate the feeling. The cases above apply to all types of love, including romantic and family relationships. The novel Mansfield Park written by Jane Austin, explores these and more contexts of love. Austen vividly describes how love can lead to chaos using various characters. This essay uses the relationship between Edmund and Fanny, Henry and Maria, Edmund and Mary, Thomas Bertram and Fanny, and Henry and Fanny to support the claim that love often leads to chaos.
Fanny and Edmund’s relationship is chaotic. Fanny is the main character who Austen highlights her developmental story from the age of ten when she moved to live with her uncle Thomas Bertram and aunt Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park when she reaches 18 years. Edmund goes through ridicule and rejection from his family members for being friendly to Fanny against the other family members. Edmund and Fanny’s relationship causes chaos when Edmund, Mr. Crawford, Maria, Miss. Crawford and Mrs. Norris plan to go on barouche box. Maria tells Edmund that she is sure she reserved a place for Fanny, but Mrs. Norris says, “…my dear Edmund, there is no idea of her going with us. She stays with her aunt. I told Mrs. Rushworth so. She is not expected” (p. 62). Edmund reiterated that he would not do without Fanny and would stay behind if she did not come along. This shows that the relationship isolated Edmund from his family. They wished they had family love and togetherness but Edmund dedicated his time and attention to Fanny, a person whose Edmund family members demeaned. Edmund’s father wanted Henry to marry Fanny, further causing chaos in Edmund’s love life. Also, Edmund trained to be a clergyman who was supposed to prioritize his religious role but his love for Fanny made him lose focus. This relationship between Edmund and Fanny causes too much chaos in the novel.
Henry’s proposal to Fanny jeopardized the relationship between Fanny’s uncle and herself. Henry was a wealthy man, newly promoted at the workplace. Fanny turned down his marriage proposal, infuriating her uncle Thomas Bertram. However, Bertram did ...
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